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"Hurry up and get dressed. You can't go out in boxers and a tank top." Apple ordered.

"Actually Red, I can do and wear whateva I want 'cause, ya know, I'm the King. The Diamond. "Bully replied, turning over in their bed.

"Not yet, you aren't. At least not until your coronation. You've slept and snacked the whole day away and you're still not ready?" Apple questioned.

Bully groaned extravagantly begrudgingly slid out of bed and began to get dressed without answering.

"You should be excited! Coronations are, like,a big deal! And there will be a ball afterward!" She reminded him.

"Yeah, with more borin' aristocrats to talk to." Bully added as he examined the outfit the staff had given him to wear."Spandex? Guess I gotta bring out the thong..." 

"What? Why?" She asked as she began to apply her new mascara.

"Because Red," He began, as he sifted through his underwear drawer, "do you want me to have underwear lines?!" 

"I guess not but…I bought you that thong as a joke. I didn't think you would actually wear it…" She replied, stifling her laughter. 

"Har har. Red, you're just jealous that my ass looks so good, so you're bein' a hater~" He responded, examining his own backside in the full body mirror.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Stop groping your own arse and get dressed. We don't have all night. 

"Yeah...but I still don't wanna wear that spandex bodysuit. It's gay." He protested.

"Oh please Bully, clothing cannot be homosexual, or any sexual for that matter. You're just going to have to go with it. The traditional clothing of this kingdom primarily includes tight spandex so you're going to have to get used to it. In the meantime, I can buy you more thongs!" She laughed.

He groaned some more as he got dressed. When he finally finished, he came out of the closet so Apple could see. 

His light pink hair had been pulled into a ponytail and he was wearing new,special sunglasses for the special occasion. The pink spandex bodysuit had a plunging neckline and a cutout in the shape of a diamond that showed off his gem. Along with the suit, he wore a pink, sparkly robe.  

Apple tried to chuckle subtly but it didn't work. Her reaction caused Bully to blush sheepishly. 

"Yeah, I know, I look ridiculous…." He mumbled, using the cape to cover himself.

"Yes, you need to cover that up. Your boobs are all out on display!" She giggled. He groaned and collapsed on the bed, covering himself with the soft blanket.

Apple came over and sat next to him."Look, I'm sorry. I think you look very gorgey in a suit. But I may be a tad biased, I think you look good in anything~" She complimented him.

"Nah….you're just lyin'…." He whined.

"Oh suck it up, you're a big boy. And it's only for an evening. If I have to deal with wearing high heels on swollen feet, then I'm sure you can handle having your pecs, bulge, and arse on display for the whole kingdom." She giggled.

He groaned some more."You're not helpin', ya know. You suck at pep talks, Red."

"Also, another thing," She began, rubbing her baby bump. She could feel their daughter kick, reminding her of what she had wanted to say. "Honey, you and I both know that you don't have the best reputation. You tend to...make some people uncomfortable, frightened, anxious, and/or skittish. So…just be mindful of that. Don't make too many sudden movements, don't be too loud, just, you know, try to be civil?" She advised.

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