Baby Meteor Shower

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It was a pleasantly warm evening in the Meringue Clouds. The hot sun had begun to set and many citizens began to close up shop and head home to spend time with their families.

Tonight, Rosie's baby shower was taking place in the central courtyard of the Meringue Palace. 

It had been beautifully decorated with centaurea flowers that symbolized fertility. All of Rosie's friends and their significant others had come to attend her party. However, Ludwig made sure to exclude Naxwell.

"Ah, Rosie, darling, how are you enjoying your baby shower? It's quite an exquisite night tonight, the weather's excellent! The sky is so clear! And we were lucky enough to have our celebration on the day of a meteor shower!" Ludwig observed, gazing up at the meteors shooting through the sky. 

Rosie took in a deep breath. Ludwig was right, it was beautiful but it made her feel homesick."Yes, it is amazing. I'm enjoying myself fairly w--"

"Have you had anything to eat? When's the last time you ate something? You look so thin, so small…." Ludwig interrupted anxiously, feeling Rosie's stomach.

"Ludwig, I'm fine. I'm just...a naturally petite woman." She assured him.

"Are you sure? The doctor said you should've gained more weight by now…." He asked anxiously.

Rosie was very tired of hearing that from him: Are you sure? As if she didn't know her own body.

When Ludwig found out that Rosie was pregnant, he was ecstatic to say the least. 

After months and months of trying, the couple had finally been able to conceive and they were over the moon with joy.

Ludwig had vowed to do anything and everything in his power to make sure that Rosie's pregnancy would run smoothly and that they'd have a happy, healthy baby at the end. 

And this, my friends, is when things started to go downhill. Out of anxiety and paranoia, Ludwig began to micromanage and manipulate his wife more than ever after they had gotten married: telling her what she could and could not eat, how much she could eat, what she could wear, and where she could and could not go. 

He spoke to their unborn daughter everyday and forced Rosie to put headphones on her stomach and play Ludwig's music for the baby to listen to in order to ensure that their child would be intelligent. 

He had even distanced Beethoven and Galaxia after reading that cat feces could potentially harm the baby. By now, Rosie was more than ready for their daughter to come out.

"Just...enjoy yourself." Ludwig concluded, kissing Rosie's forehead before walking off to deal with other matters.

"Hey...Luddy….this is like... a super shower!" Bully complimented while stuffing his face with food.

Ludwig grimaced at his younger brother's lack of manners. "Please refrain from talking with your mouth full...and thank you. The servants have really outdone themselves this time!"

"Are you weady for faderhood?" Bowser Jr. asked.

Ludwig smiled. "Ready as I'll ever be, Rosie is the one who acts like she's not ready. I'm not sure why she's acting so strange…-Oh, but I have yet to meet my niece," Ludwig said, picking up Rose Quartz off the ground.

She suddenly began to whine, cry, and kick.

Bully chuckled nervously and took his daughter from Ludwig. "Sorry 'bout that, she's not really used to other people yet." As soon as Bully held her, Rose's crying ceased and she looked at him expectedly, waiting for him to give her some of whatever he was eating.

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