For Your Own Good

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When Bully drifted back into consciousness, a thousand little things told him that something was wrong. 

"What the hell-" He groaned when he tried to open his eyes. They were immediately assaulted by direct sunlight and it hurt. A lot. His sunglasses were not on his face where they should've been. It felt odd, he was so used to them being there.When he tried to turn over, he realized his forearms were restrained behind his back. His whole body was restrained by the seatbelts of the backseat he was lying on. His limbs felt sore and weak from being stuck in the same curled position for so long, and he had a bad headache. 

He didn't remember much, but he knew this place was not where he had fallen asleep the previous day. He had been in a sedan limousine with Dreyfus, but this vehicle obviously wasn't a limousine. He could feel he was wearing a T-shirt, sweatpants, and socks with no shoes and he knew this wasn't what he had been wearing before. He suddenly felt very embarrassed, anxious, and afraid at the thought of being changed by a stranger. Additionally, his mouth and throat felt dry and he was hungry. 

Dreyfus noticed his Diamond stirring in the rearview mirror of his Cadillac. He sighed deeply, then ultimately decided that the lesser he knew, the better. He certainly couldn't reveal this was an assassination attempt. He planned to tell him that there had been an assassination threat, and that he needed to be removed from the capital for his own safety. Dreyfus thought his plan was quite clever and fullproof. Take the Diamond to an undisclosed location and then kill him. Many people didn't even know he was gone and he could burn his body so no one would ever find it. 

"Dreyfus?" Bully asked, his voice hoarse. Dreyfus contemplated whether to answer but ultimately decided not to. If he did, Bully would probably start a conversation and he wasn't in the mood to talk. 

The car abruptly pulled to a stop. Dreyfus had planned to hide out at his own house in Vladimirite. It was far enough from the capital, and because it was a small cabin in the woods, it was very private and inconspicuous. But he couldn't park too close, someone could be watching or following them. He'd have to carry Bully the rest of the way. 

When Dreyfus opened the door of the backseat, Bully tentatively opened his eyes. The sunlight wasn't as direct at this angle, and he could make out Dreyfus's large, muscular figure blocking out the sun. 

"Drey--" Bully began as Dreyfus grabbed his legs and dragged him off of the backseat. He landed facedown on the grass beside the car with a quiet "oomph".

"Agh! Do ya hafta be so rough?" 

Dreyfus didn't answer, only dragged Bully farther away from his vehicle. He quickly blindfolded Bully before lifting him into a "hug" and positioning him on his shoulders in a fireman's carry. 

Bully could feel his face and ears turning red, and he turned away from Dreyfus so he wouldn't notice. The fireman's carry felt comfortable yet uncomfortable at the same time. It was odd, no one had ever carried Bully this way, but that was probably because he weighed about 300 pounds.

"Dreyfus, where are we going?" Bully asked, trying his best to hide the anxiety in his voice. 

But Dreyfus did not answer, he continued to walk through the woods with his Diamond on his shoulders. Bully tried to break his restraints but it was no use, he was too weak from being drugged and the restraints were too tight. As Dreyfus came closer upon his house, he looked to Bully. The blindfold was still firmly in place, so Dreyfus decided it was safe to enter. The Diamond didn't know where he was or how he got there, his chances of successfully escaping back to the Crystal Palace were very slim. 

When Dreyfus entered the house, he roughly set (more like threw) Bully down onto a bed. He handcuffed his right wrist to the bed frame just to make sure there was less chance of escape. After he decided that was a little too much, he took the restraints off Bully's forearms. The return of circulation was very appreciated, but the handcuff still cut into his wrist as it was too small. 

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