Gladiator Games

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Matera Shariee sat anxiously in her seat, squirming with excitement. 

Her father, Ludwig, was sitting across from her in the foreío (litter) with Beethoven in his lap. After the incident yesterday, Ludwig thought it would be a good idea to take the day off from royal duties to spend time with his family. Matera Shariee had been wanting to attend a gladiator game for ages and luckily for her, there was a game scheduled for today.

"Honestly, I can't fathom why anyone would want to watch two men murder each other." Beethoven commented.

Ludwig began to scratch between Beethoven's ears. "I'm not entirely sure either, but Matera wants to see the games so I'll go along with it." 

"Games? More like meaningless slaughter!" Beethoven paused, glancing over at Matera, who was peeking at the crowded, busy streets of Lemoní through the silk curtains of the foreío. 

"You know," Beethoven whispered, "if you let her watch this kind of stuff, she could end up like you-know-who." 

Ludwig scoffed. "Oh please! It's going to take a lot more than a bit of blood and gore to turn my precious little angel into that deranged, psychopathic lunatic." He whispered back. 

Come to think of it, Ludwig hadn't heard any trace of Kooky or the others since Matera Shariee was born. Ever since then, his head was quiet and he never lost control of his body nor did he have to take his magic pills. He was finally normal. And all because of Matera, she had cured him. And for that, he was eternally grateful. 

He gave her a quiet, gentle, squeeze of gratitude on her arm. Matera was a little confused, but she didn't mind the unexplained gesture. 

Finally, the group arrived at the arena. 

When they entered, they were led to the private royal seats; the best seats in the arena. They were closest to the blood and gore and there was an awning for shade from the hot sun. 

"I can't believe you dragged me to this place! You know, just because you don't have a rewarding social life, doesn't mean I don't. In fact, I had promised some queens that I'd come with them to their special catnip hang out, all the cool cats are goi--!"

"Ok, Beethoven, just stop. No matter what you say, you're not getting out of this. We haven't spent time together in ages." Ludwig interrupted.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing…" Beethoven muttered.

"Alright, alright, you big baby, I was just kidding!" Beethoven exclaimed when his little joke was met with silence. "It's just...I hardly got to socialize with other felines back home." 

"I thought you said other, commoner felines are beneath you…." Ludwig reminded him.

"They are and they'll always be but...queens, Luddi. Think.about.the.queens. Just because you're not interested in females or intercourse or relationships or anything a young, healthy man should be into doesn't mean I'm not." He replied.

"Ew." Ludwig said simply.

Beethoven shrugged. "I'm not even surprised, you've always been weird like that. Anyway, when you're pampered and at the top of your class, there's not many queens to choose from." 

"...I regret not getting you neutered." Ludwig replied. 


Matera shushed them both as trumpet fanfare began. "It's starting!" 

A small band of trumpeters entered the arena. They marched around the perimeter, signaling to the patrons that the games were about to begin. 

After that, they carried in statues of the gods to "witness" the proceedings, followed by a scribe to record the outcome, and a man carrying the piece of laurel used to honour victors. 

Lastly, the gladiators entered and the crowd cheered. The MC introduced the participating gladiators and hyped up the crowd. After that, the gladiators went back through the entrance they came, and many beasts were brought into the arena. Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!

"Ugh, ghastly." Beethoven scoffed under his breath. 

As a few gladiators entered the arena again to battle against the beasts, Ludwig began to wonder if it was such a good idea to bring Matera to the game after all.

He glanced over at her, and she was sitting quietly. Watching, observing, taking in the full experience of her first game. She also brought her journal with her, and she began writing. Ludwig sighed deeply.

Next were the comedy fights, which got the whole crowd, including Matera and Beethoven, laughing. Ludwig, however, was not impressed in the slightest.

After that, female gladiators entered the arena. The MC announced them as rare and "exotic markers of exceptionally lavish spectacle". The female's chests were also bare, and many spectators began cat-calling them. 

Ludwig dutifully covered Matera's eyes.

"P-papa, what's going on?" She asked, confused.

"Oh nothing dear, can't watch this part!" Ludwig stammered while Beethoven was laughing hysterically for some reason.

"W-why? What's so funny? What is everyone whistling at?" She asked. 

Before Ludwig could respond, the female gladiators exited the arena and as a result, the crowd calmed down.

Ludwig heaved a sigh of relief as he stopped covering Matera's eyes.

"Aww, man! I missed it!" Matera Shariee whined.

"Stop that, this instant. That obscene display had no business being viewed by your innocent eyes!" Ludwig replied harshly.

As they continued to watch the match, Ludwig was having difficulty focusing again. During the entirety of the game, he just kept feeling like he was going to black out or fall asleep. Perhaps the games were just too barbaric and unamusing for his taste. 

Matera Shariee glanced down at the table they were sitting at. It was vibrating, almost shaking slightly but it was practically unnoticeable. She looked to Beethoven, and she could tell he was feeling the quaking too.


Suddenly, they brought an unarmed gladiator into the ring. The gladiator was brought to the center of the arena and tied to a pole, unable to move very far. After a few minutes, more beasts were unleashed into the arena and they began brutally and viciously tearing the unarmed gladiator to shreds. 

While the rest of the crowd was cheering, Ludwig let out an unintentional, blood-curdling scream. Before Matera Shariee and Beethoven could ask why he was screaming, they appeared back into Ludwig's royal quarters.

Matera Shariee began to search frantically, hoping that he teleported her journal along with them. Luckily for her, he did. 

"What was--"

"Everybody get out! Now! Papa needs some….alone time." Ludwig interrupted, gently pushing Matera Shariee out the door.

"You too!" He said to Beethoven, who hadn't moved an inch.

"What? Even me?" 

"Did I stutter? Go hang out with your queens or whatever you were going on about earlier." Ludwig replied.

Beethoven sighed and followed Matera Shariee out the door. 

Ludwig quickly closed it behind them and sighed deeply. He examined his hands, front to back, but they were still normal. The same dark, precisely manicured hands.

Yes, everything was still normal. 

He was probably just tired, that was all. 

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