Prank War | Owltalon (OC) x Rowanwind (OC)

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💕 Requested By: DreamOCxShadow 💕
Rowanwind's eyes sharpened as she watched the thrush in front of her. She stepped quietly through the white ground, despite the difficulty walking. Leaf-bare usually brought this around, but this time it seemed larger than normal. Almost...

She lowered herself to pounce, before a pile of snow fell from the tree above her, the thrush escaping. She gasped, pushing her head above and growled as she heard laughing from the tree branch where it came from.

"You should have seen your face...!" The dark brown tom laughed, eyes shining.

"Owltalon!" She hissed, shaking the snow from her pelt. "What in StarClan's name were you thinking!? ThunderClan needs prey right now!" Owltalon sighed and leapt down, smiling softly.

"Calm down's fine. Look, if it makes you feel better I'll help you look for some prey." The reddish brown she-cat huffed as she looked aside.

"No I'll be fine. But you better watch it...I'll get you back." The she-cat smirked, and walked off further into the territory.
Owltalon stalked the squirrel as he smirked, claws digging into the ground. As he crept forward, his ears twitched as he picked up on the quiet rustling of bushes around him. He hissed quietly as the squirrel seemed to hear as well, and leapt quickly only just managing to catch the piece of prey.

He groaned, before the rustling happened again. His tail flicked warily as he sniffed, but couldn't seem to tell anything. "Whose there?" He growled, ears going back as the rustling moved about. His eyes widened as he heard what sounded like a growl.

Fox...?! He hissed, growling as he crouched down, ready to fight it, before yowling in surprise as something came barreling out at him. His eyes widened as he heard a familiar laugh.

"Gotcha! Gotta admit...that was fun!" Rowanwind purred, her tail flicking happily.

"R-Rowanwind!?" Owltalon panted, pushing her off. "Are you crazy!? I thought you were a fox!"

"That was the plan mouse-brain!" She purred. Owltalon huffed as he grabbed the squirrel.

"Oh just you wait..." he mumbled behind the fur, pushing her aside playfully as he walked back to the camp, eyes sharp as he planned his next prank.
Moons went by, and soon the whole of ThunderClan knew about Rowanwind and Owltalon's prank war. The two were constantly planning, and had occasionally tried to get other cats involved, not that they would.

It was interesting to see the two getting along, they were warriors and clanmates yes, but with the prank war...they'd gotten a little closer.
Owltalon bit into the mouse as he thought about his next prank. Rowanwind had scared him out of a tree when he was looking for her before, but thankfully he managed to land on his paws.

"What are you doing?" Hollyleaf purred, tilting her head as she sat down beside him. Owltalon huffed.

"I'm thinking about the next prank for Rowanwind...I refuse to let her win..." Hollyleaf sighed and chuckled, her green eyes shining.

"Owltalon, you know how sometimes apprentices that like each other will either insult each other, or the toms will pull a she-cat's tail?" Owltalon blinked as he tilted his head.

"What are you implying?" Hollyleaf chuckled.

"You're pulling Rowanwind's tail. This whole prank like her, and you're using this as a cover to be close to her! Why else would you have this going on for so many moons now?" Owltalon blinked as he growled.

"What!? No-no way! There is no way in StarClan!" Hollyleaf laughed softly.

"Alright, say what you will~" she purred playfully, nudging him before heading off to speak with Lionblaze. Owltalon sighed as he looked down.

No...that can't be...d-do I?
"What are you doing?" Dovewing smiled as she leapt on Rowanwind from behind, her eyes shining happily.

"Dovewing!" She hissed in surprise. "Jeez..."

"Aw...sorry! But what are you doing? Thinking about Owltalon~?" She purred. Rowanwind huffed and looked aside.

"I'm thinking about the way I'm gonna get him back for putting nettles in my nest!" Dovewing sighed and chuckled.

"Aw...oh StarClan you both are so cute!"

"What do you mean?" Rowanwind tilted her head, eyes narrowing in confusion.

"You and Owltalon silly! You both are so cute! Have you told him you like him yet? I mean- why else would you be continuing this!?" Rowanwind blinked, feeling her pelt heat up.

"Wh-what!? No! What are you talking about!? You're crazy!" Dovewing giggled as she nudged her.

"Say what you will, but I see the way you look at him!" She smiled, before bouncing off to join a patrol. Rowanwind sighed as she lay her head on her paws.

I can't possibly...can I?
Owltalon sighed as the moon shone above. He padded through the territory, noticing the sleek furred she-cat sitting beside the lake. is it!

"Hey...Rowanwind..!" He chuckled. The she-cat turned and sighed, tail flicking slowly.

"This going into nighttime now is it?" She huffed, despite smiling softly.

"Uh- no...I...don't really feel like doing the prank war anymore. But I...I wanted to speak to you about something..."

"Like what?" The she-cat's head was tilted, her eyes shining softly in the moonlight as she stood. Owltalon swallowed, his face heating up as he looked down.

"Um...l-like the fact that I...I don't just see you as a clanmate anymore...but I Uh...I think I like you...a lot..." Rowanwind's eyes widened before she looked aside.

"You know, if this is a prank this really is an awful-"

"-No!" Owltalon moved to her, his eyes wide and panicked. "I promise, it's not a prank...I like you...genuinely." Rowanwind blushed before sighing, nudging the tom softly as her tail curled around his.

"Well...that's good...because I like you too mouse-brain..." Owltalon smiled and purred, nudging into her.

"You know," she purred. "We could probably become a team now..sprinkle a few pranks here and there..." Owltalon purred and smiled.

"Sounds like fun..."
This was adorable XD. I apologise for the wait, and apologise if it's kinda terrible. I hope you enjoyed! Take care everyone 💙💕💙💕

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