Treat You Better | Thrushpelt x Reader

991 20 16

💕 Requested By: No one 💕
Cheating within a relationship
Fluff at the end
NOTE: M/N for this one-shot stands for your mate's name
~Thrushpelt's P.O.V~
I sighed as I watched as Y/N's mate walked away, my green eyes almost slits as I glared from where I was sitting. Calming down, I shook my sandy-grey pelt as I padded over to Y/N, his/her E/C eyes sad before they picked up hearing pawsteps.

"Hey," I purred, sitting down beside her/him. "Are you alright Y/N? You looked upset..." I watched as Y/N swallowed before flashing that amazing smile. If only it wasn't so fake.

"Oh! Yes," he/she purred. "M/N is just...going hunting!" I forced back a growl. M/N goes hunting too's suspicious...should be spending time with their mate.

"Trushpelt? Are you ok?" I looked up, before smiling weakly.

"O-oh! Yeah, just thinking about how to help Spottedpaw with her training." I chuckled, Y/N joining in before he/she padded off. I looked out where M/N had gone, and growled.

I can treat her/him way better than you can...
My ears twitched as I heard movement in the den beside me. Opening an eye, I noticed M/N get up, pelt brushing against the entrance slightly. I looked to Y/N, his/her F/C, F/L pelt relaxed and smoothed down. No one beside her. Forcing down a growl, I used all the stalking techniques my mentor taught me.

I followed M/N through the forest, to the border of ThunderClan and WindClan. My eyes widened as I noticed the familiar pelt of a WindClan warrior creep out from the bushes, and touch noses with M/N, tails entwining as they crept through together.

That damned fox-hearted traitor!! I growled, stalking away, my thoughts soon resting on one thing; Y/N. They're being cheated on...that, that SCOUNDREL!

I swiped at a tree in anger before creeping back, looking over at the sleeping she-cat/tom. I forced myself to resist the urge to curl up beside her/him, and curled back up in my own nest. I'm so sorry Y/ don't deserve this.
~Noone's/Your P.O.V~
You sighed sadly as you sat by the lake. Your hunting party had continued hunting, without you. You'd been so lost in thought about M/N, and how distant they were despite the promises you both had made, that you'd missed every piece of prey.

"Y/N?" A voice called. You turned, facing the bright green eyes of Thrushpelt. The sandy-grey tom smiled sadly as he sat beside you. "Are you okay?" You sighed softly, ears back.

"No...I was so unfocused that I couldn't catch a single piece of prey...I kept thinking about M/N and how distant we've been..." You looked back at the lake, not noticing the way Thrushpelt's claws dug into the earth.

"Right," Thrushpelt choked out weakly. "Listen, Y/N...I have something I need to tell you..." You tilted your head, and smiled as you looked at him. Thrushpelt swallowed.

"A few nights ago...I saw M/N...meeting a WindClan warrior in secret. I'm so sorry...he's been...cheating on you with them..." Your eyes widened before shaking your head.

"N-no! You're lying Thrushpelt! M/N may have been distant lately but that doesn't mean they've been seeing another cat! And from a different clan no less! You're just jealous that M/N is a better warrior and cat than you!" You hissed, before racing away, E/C eyes wet with tears. Thrushpelt sighed, his ears going flat against his head as he watched as his crush ran away.
You stood there in tears as your mate- or rather ex-mate walked off through ThunderClan territory. Apparently Thrushpelt had been telling the truth, and now M/N was running away to WindClan for their new mate. Your E/C eyes glistened with tears as you felt someone sit beside you. You looked up seeing Thrushpelt, who still looked at you calmly, despite what you had said a little bit ago.

Tears rolled down your face as you cried into him, Thrushpelt moving himself to shelter you from the pitiful gazes of the other warriors. "It's alright..." He murmured, sweeping his tail over your back comfortingly. "I'll be here for you...I'll always be here..."
You sighed, looking up at the stars. It had been a full half-moon since M/N left, and the sandy-grey tom had never left your side. Over time, you started to feel yourself catching feelings for the tom, but didn't want to say anything. After all, if your last mate didn't think you were good enough, how could you trust Thrushpelt to feel the same. Your ears twitched as you heard noise padding up beside you.

"Y/N..." Thrushpelt murmured, sitting down beside you. "Why are you out here? It's cold..." You sighed, your F/L pelt slightly dishevelled.

"I...I can't think Thrushpelt. I can't stop thinking about M/N...was I...I not good enough?! Will I ever be good enough!? And I-I'm SICK of my clanmates looking at me with pity!" Thrushpelt's eyes saddened as he nodded.

"I know...but, listen to me. You're amazing, alright? Absolutely amazing...and M/N was a fox-hearted coward who couldn't see that! Couldn't see your talents, your personality, the way you care for your clanmates before yourself! M/N couldn't see HALF of what I see!" Your eyes widened as Thrushpelt's face heated up, looking aside.

"I...I know," he whispered. "That I could treat you better...better than M/N can...any tom/she-cat like you deserves a good who will love and cherish you the way you deserve..." Your eyes softened as you purred, nudging under his chin, moving tail to his, a silent acceptance and invitation.

"I believe I have..." You whispered, smiling as you heard Thrushpelt purr, the two of you walking back to camp. You smiled as he did what M/N never seemed to. He curled up beside you, tail curled around softly, in your nest, making sure you were safe. You smiled, licking his cheek softly before falling asleep.

You had a new mate...a mate that you knew would love you, and cherish you for the rest of your life. A mate who would never leave you.
Thrushpelt is such an underrated and loveable character I just- UGH I love him. Erins where the hell is Thrushpelt's novella or something please G I V E.

Anyway it's late, love you all 💙💙

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