Should Have Chosen You | Nightcloud x Male!Reader

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💕 Requested By: CursedProfile580 💕
Little bit of angst
Mentions of a mentally abusive/terrible/neglectful mate/partner
You sighed, looking up at the top of the hill where your friend since apprenticeship, your crush sat and looked up at the stars, her black fur blowing softly in the wind. Looking back at your clan, you debated going back. She had been here every night since Crowfeather had been distant, hurting her and Breezepelt. She may not have had any scars that could be seen, or on her body, but you knew she had them. Crowfeather's just a fox-heart...a cruel fox-heart...he doesn't love her...not like I do. 

Mustering up the courage, you padded up to the she-cat, who turned around, smiling softly as her shining amber eyes met your E/C ones. "Y/N...what are you doing out here?" You chuckled, sitting down beside her.

"Couldn't sleep. And I could ask you the same thing Nightcloud." Nightcloud sighed, her gaze moving down to her paws, ears flattening.

"I...I was thinking. I suppose that's all I do now." She chuckled dryly, earning a worried glance from you as you positioned yourself closer, smiling sadly with warm eyes; a silent invitation for her to keep talking, which Nightcloud graciously accepted.

"I just- i-it's just Crowfeather and I usual I suppose," She huffed, rolling her eyes as you fought back a growl. You couldn't stand your clanmate. "I just- our fighting is hurting Breezepelt as well...he's so distant and angry...I-I'm afraid. I'm scared he's going to do something terrible...that he'll become a monster..." The she-cat shook her head, trembling as she nudged into you, looking for comfort that she never seemed to receive.

"I must be terrible to even think that...he's my son...! How...oh StarClan what am I thinking!?" You sighed sadly, stroking Nightcloud's back with your tail, not caring as her tears began to wet your F/C fur.

"It's alright're scared...and you've had no one to go're Breezepelt's's only natural that you're scared for him. As for Crowfeather...he's a fox-heart...I'm sorry but I, I can't stay silent anymore! He's a cruel piece of crow-food that-" You snarled, looking aside. You didn't want to hurt Nightcloud anymore, and looking aside, you noticed her looking at you in worry and confusion.

"Y-Y/N..." She murmured, beginning to walk over to you, eyes softening. "you mouse-brained've been there...and that, that is all I need. As long as I have you..." she murmured, smiling softly. You looked at her sadly, nudging her softly.

"Try not to be out here for too long okay Nightcloud? It's getting close to leaf-bare...the wind's getting cold." She smiled at you, and nodded as you walked back to the clan. Lying down in the warrior's den, you could have sworn you heard someone whisper to you just as you started to slip into sleep.

"If only I hadn't been so blind...and I'd chosen you Y/N..."
You growled, tail flicking. The aftermath of the gathering had shocked everyone, Hollyleaf of ThunderClan revealing that she and her brothers were Leafpool and Crowfeather's children, not Squirrelflight's and Brambleclaw's. When getting back, Nightcloud had cried into you, Breezepelt staying close to his mother.

He'd never minded you. Whenever Crowfeather hadn't given him approval, you had been there. Not just for Breezepelt, but for Nightcloud. And while Breezepelt would never say anything, he saw you as his father a lot more then he did Crowfeather, despite him still vying for his father's approval.

You snarled as you heard pawsteps heading towards you. You were sitting a little outside the clan, Nightcloud crying into your F/L, F/C pelt, Breezepelt close to the both of you. Looking up, you snarled, noticing Crowfeather's form as he walked up.

"N-Nightcloud..." He murmured. You snarled, glaring daggers at him.

"Nightcloud doesn't seem to want to speak with you right now...traitor..." You hissed. Crowfeather growled, his hackles raising. Nightcloud nudged your cheek softly and got up, heading over to him.

"Mom," Breezepelt began, starting to walk beside her before being stopped by your tail.

"Let your mother handle herself Breezepelt..." The young warrior looked at you, before sighing and nodding. You looked up as Nightcloud stared at Crowfeather, her eyes blank before slowly turning to rage, and she wasted no time scratching her claws across his cheek.

"I have nothing I want to say to you Crowfeather...don't speak to me again...! I don't want to speak with you again!" Crowfeather looked aside as he walked away, and Nightcloud walked back to you. Breezepelt nudged his mother softly before going to speak with Heathertail.

"Nightcloud..." you whispered, and she smiled sadly nudging into your fur.

"How could I have been so stupid Y/N? can I even go about my normal life!? He-he's ruined it...I'll constantly get pity...I don't want that!" You looked at her sadly, purring softly as you nudged her close.

"Nightcloud...even if you won't get pity from me...I mean, you just held your own then...! You're so strong always have been, even since we were apprentices. You won't get pity from deserve so much more then him...and you know that now." Nightcloud sighed, and swallowing down her fears, nudged her head under your chin, causing your pelt to heat up slightly.

"I don't know why I tried so hard to make him love me...I should have chosen you Y/N...all those moons ago, I should have chosen you..." Your E/C eyes widened slightly, remembering that night, giving a soft purr.

"If only you hadn't been so blind right...?" Nightcloud chuckled and nodded, before her face heated up and she sat up, seeming quite nervous.

"Y-You...I said..." You chuckled softly, nudging your cheek against hers. Nightcloud huffed, curling her tail around yours.

"Stupid tom..." She murmured, huffing. You chuckled, nudging her softly.

"Yeah...but I won't hurt you...I promise..." Nightcloud's eyes widened, and glistened with tears as she stayed close to you, both of you staying there through the night, Nightcloud finally feeling like she had a second chance...she didn't have to force anyone to love her...because she had someone. She had you. And that was enough for her.
Really sorry if this was terrible xD, felt like something short and sweet would work. I try to stay out of the Crowfeather vs Nightcloud debacle cos I believe they both had a play in it but eh, I don't want to start any fires xD. Hope you guys enjoyed 💙💕💙💕

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