You And I | Flirty!Breezepelt x ThunderClan!Reader

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💕 Requested By: Stories4ever_10 💕
Little bit of flirting (nothing too serious)
You sighed, sitting by a large tree which was a border marked by ThunderClan and WindClan, tail flicking happily as you waited for a certain WindClan tom. You smiled to yourself as you remembered meeting him for the first time as apprentices.
Y/A/N sat with ThunderClan during the gathering waiting for it to begin, noticing her eyes moving towards a black-furred tom, who seemed to look back at her/him.

"What?" He huffed, before seeming to smirk noticing how the F/C apprentice looked away. "Like what you see...?" The tom made his way over, sitting down.

"I'm Breezepaw..." he mumbled, not exactly sure why he was bothering to speak to the tom/she-cat. They smelled of ThunderClan, but yet he paid attention to the details; curious and bright E/C eyes, and a F/L, F/M F/C pelt.

"Y-Y/A/N," she/he smiled, and for the first time, Breezepaw didn't spend a gathering glaring at his feuding parents, and found himself thinking of the tom/she-cat as he curled up in the apprentice den, unaware that he/she was doing the same thing.
"Sorry I'm late beautiful/handsome..." you beamed, hearing the purr within your secret mate's voice.

"Breezepelt," you chuckled, nudging his nose with yours, eyes gleaming affectionately. "Couldn't get away til late this time hm...?" The tom huffed.

"Unfortunately. I had to sneak out through the dirt-place..." you chuckled.

"So that's what I can smell...! I had thought it was just you." Breezepelt's eyes widened and he huffed, pushing you with a paw.

"How dare you!" He chuckled, smiling as he sat beside you and sighed softly before looking up. "The stars are beautiful..." you chuckled as you looked up, E/C eyes sparkling.

"Yeah...they are..."

Breezepelt smiled as he licked your cheek gently. "Not as beautiful as you..." he purred, laughing softly as he felt your pelt heat up. He enjoyed teasing you, it was fun to see how flustered you could get. You blushed, huffing as you pushed him aside.

"Stupid tom..." you mumbled, before smirking. "Catch me if you can!" Breezepelt blinked as you took off, laughing as you raced through the territory.

"You- get back here!" Breezepelt chuckled, running after you as your F/C pelt seemed to move with the wind.
You sighed as you soon flopped down with the black furred tom, who purred as he nudged close to you.

"That was fun...but you should have known I'd beat you...I am a WindClan cat after all."

"Yeah yeah..." you huffed, rolling your eyes smiling softly. " was still fun...!" Breezepelt smiled, yellow eyes shining as he looked at you. You blinked confused, chuckling nervously.

"What?" Breezepelt purred, tail curling with yours.

"Just got lost in your eyes..." He chuckled as your pelt heated up again, and you huffed as you leaned against him.

"Stupid tom..." you mumbled, lying there with him for a while before looking aside.


"Yes love?"

"Do you...ever wish we didn't have to hide like this? Or that...we could run away? Just...disappear? Free from judgemental eyes together without being scared of what our family and friends would say? That it would just and I?" Breezepelt sighed, nudging you close.

"Sometimes I suppose...but I still love my clan. Maybe one day we...we'll get to be together without hiding like this...but I know I don't want to stop seeing you." You smiled, nudging yourself close to his chest, placing a paw on his.

"Yeah...thanks Breezepelt." The tom smiled, nudging your cheek lovingly.

" beautiful/handsome Y/N..." you purred softly, closing your eyes for a few moments. No matter what, you had hope. That one day you and Breezepelt could be together.

It'll just be you and day...
God this so short and a little bit awful (at least in my eyes xD.) I'm alive! Hello! Hope you enjoyed, take care everyone! Love you all 💙💕💙💕

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