Cold and Sweet | Darktail x Female!Reader PT.2

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💕 Requested By: No one 💕
Character death
Mentions of violence/blood
NOTE: This is part 2 to "Revenge Will be Sweet". You will be able to choose two of your kits (both she-kits) names, however one (the son) is named Darkkit, please read part 1 to understand this. May have a third to close it. All your kits are 'paws, and have been for two moons now.
"Again Darkpaw...!" You huffed, as you tried desperately to train your son into the moves that his father always used. ShadowClan told tales of how cruel Darktail had been, but you made sure that these kits knew the tom you did, and what ShadowClan was truly like.

"I don't understand w-why I need this mom!" Darkpw huffed. You sighed. The tom was the perfect one to help you get revenge for your mate. Every night you slept you saw his light blue eyes, white coat with black speckles, and you were constantly reminded of him with your son.

"You must learn sweetheart..." You purred, nudging his cheek. "These were moves that your father used...think of what you'll be able to do..!" Darkpaw growled and huffed, his blue eyes sharpening.

"NO! I-I keep hearing stories on wh...what he did! All the g-glares that the clan gives call me a monster's son...I want them to like me, not fear me!" You sighed as your son walked off. He isn't anything like you my love...I'm so sorry...I'm failing you...
"Don't fret my love...~" A voice whispered on the wind, one that carried the sound of your mate through the trees. "We still have our daughters, K/N1 and K/N2...I have faith in them..." you smiled. He was right...your daughters were also his blood. Perhaps Darkpaw wouldn't be the one, but maybe...just maybe they would be.
K/N1 sat beside her sister as her light brown pelt fluffed up angrily watching their brother walk back into camp. You'd given your daughters attention of course but...they knew you held their brother higher. Apparently he looked like their father, Darktail.

"Lovelies..." you purred. Your daughters both jumped as they turned to you. K/N2 smiled and purred.

"Yes mom!? What is it!?" You chuckled, gesturing with your tail out of the camp.

"I want to speak with you both...just the three of us. Come along dears..." K/N1 felt her claws dig into the ground excitedly. Finally...maybe we'll get to show mom how strong and capable we are of avenging father! She shared an excited look with her sister as they followed you away from ShadowClan's closest borders, to where they constantly spied on you training their brother.

"What is it mom?" K/N2 purred, her dark blue eyes shining with curiosity. You chuckled softly, sighing gently.

"First...I wish to ask you both something. When I...tell you both of your he was, to me...the Darktail I knew...unlike all of these cowardly do you feel?" The two apprentices shared a look before nodding. They'd had this conversation so many times on their own, and now you were actually asking them! K/N1 nodded as she spoke first.

"Well...we miss him. We hear what ShadowClan and the other clan says about him...and- and us in return...they constantly see Darktail in all of us...yet you tell us about this amazing, strong tom that was so excited to meet us...we hate that we didn't get to meet him! The Darktail you knew..." You smiled, E/C eyes darkening coldly, yet shining happily as you let out a purr, smoothing your F/C fur.

"Perfect...would you want revenge for him? For how ShadowClan treated me..? And you three darlings...when they have had a similar scenario with that Tawnypelt...!?" K/N1 and K/N2 looked at each other, then back at you.

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