Suddenly Draco pulls me from the floor, I nearly collapse on my feet until Draco picks me up bridal style and walks out of the room, I notice my friends looking concerned and even Pansy looks worried, I turn my head towards Draco's chest as he carries me past them and back to our room, where he lays me down on the bed softly. I curl up and turn away from him. He leaves and then comes back a couple of minutes later, he sits on the bed next to me, he takes my arm and lifts up the sleeve which reveals my scar.

After a couple of seconds I start to feel stinging pains in my arm, I look at Draco to see him wiping my scar with some sort of cleansing liquid, I make a small noise of pain as he goes over the opened letters. "This will help stop any infection, the problem with cursed scars is that they become infected if they are reopened." Draco says softly as he finishes applying the liquid. I watch as he gets off the bed and starts to leave the room.

"Will you stay with me?" I ask quietly, I hear him turn towards me. "Sure, if you want me to." Draco says before he grabs a chair from by the window, he pulls it close to the bed and sits in it softly. Knowing he is there helps me to slowly fall asleep.

(Draco's P.O.V.)

It doesn't take her long to fall asleep, I only get up when I know she is fully asleep, I leave the room quietly and make my way to the common room, where my friends and hers are still hanging out. Most of them look up when I enter the room, most of them look concerned. "How is she?" Blaise asks. "She's asleep for now." I say before sitting down with a sigh. "What happened?" Blaise asks, I stare at him as I think of my answer.

"I'm not 100% sure but I think she had a panic attack, she's been having nightmares for months now and this is the third time this has happened." I say with a frown, Blaise looks surprised with my answer. "She's not the Hermione Granger we used to know." Blaise says with a slight frown. "No, she's Hermione Malfoy now. Anyway what happened before she left?" I ask, Blaise looks at Ginny with a smile. It seems to me that Blaise has really started to fall for Weaselette, I'm happy that he has found someone who he truly cares about.

"Well me and Ginny announced that she was pregnant and then Pansy told everyone that she was expecting as well, the girls hugged and about five minutes later Ginny noticed that she had gone." Blaise says with a smile before frowning. I wasn't sure whether to mention that this was the second time someone had annouced a pregnancy and she had a panic attack, I had found her only minutes later and I had held her until she calmed down and could join the others. Watching Hermione have her nightmares was one of the worst things I've seen.

I worry that if I get too close to her that I'll develop feelings for her, which I think is already happening, something I hated when I thought about it but now I'm coming round to the idea of liking her, but I don't want to get hurt by her not liking me. I know a Malfoy having feelings for a Muggleborn sounds impossible and I almost hate the idea of it but something inside of me stops me from hating it. "I guess congratulations are in order." I say with a small smile as I step out of my thoughts. "Thanks Draco." Pansy says with a smile and Ginny nods her thanks at me.

(Back to Hermione P.O.V)

I wake up to find Draco not in the chair, I sigh softly before turning onto my back and sitting up, I sit in bed for a couple of minutes until I hear a soft pecking noise, I look at the window and see a brown owl with a letter in it's beak, I get out of bed and open the window, the owl comes into the room, I walk over to my desk and open a drawer, which has some owl treats, which I give to the owl before taking the letter.

The owl leaves soon after and I open the letter which is addressed to Hermione Malfoy which reads:

Dear Mrs Malfoy,

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