Chapter 3

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A/N: I hope you like the story so far, please tell me what you think.


1 month later (Hermione's P.O.V).

It's been 3 weeks since I was married and a week since Theodore and Luna's wedding, it was sweet watching Luna be so happy, I just hope Theodore doesn't hurt Luna more than she already has been. For now Draco and I still live in the Manor but soon we should be leaving to find a house to live in, he want to follow what his friends have already done, he wants to live on the same street as them.

Life for me has changed a little, I don't have to be a maid any more and I now have a suite that I share with Draco, which is still hard to get used to. We have to make love every two weeks and I am going to be tested to see if I'm pregnant every month, I hate the whole thing. We had to make love for the first time on our wedding night and last night was our second time, it was awkward but Draco made sure I was comfortable, we don't spend much time together unless we have to.

I haven't spent much time with my friends either, I think I'm scared that if I get close with them that I will lose them. What happens after we have done our work as baby makers? Do we have to stay married? The law states that we have to have at least 3 to 5 children in 8 years and we have have at least 1 child or be carrying a baby by the time of our first year of marriage, if not we will be forced get divorced and be placed with other partners. I hate this whole thing and I can't believe this is my life now, I'm being made into a baby factory by a crazy man who is to blame for the whole problem.

I'm so lost in thought that I don't hear the knocking at my sitting room until someone walks in, I look over and see Draco, I raise my eyebrow at him as he moves closer in the room. "May I sit down?" Draco asks. "I don't see why not." I say as I sit up straight. "So I know your birthday was last month but we all to busy to celebrate it, so I thought we could do something." Draco says, I'm surprised that he knows my birthday.

"Oh, okay, sure." I say with a small smile, Draco nods and gets up from where he was sitting and starts to leave the room, he gets to the door before turning back. "Be ready in an hour." Draco says before he opens the door and leaves the room.

An hour later I'm dressed in purple dungarees with a white long sleeved top and purple loafers, my hair which now reached my hips was tied into a bun like most days. Draco knocks once before entering our room, he give a nod of approval of my outfit and nods his head to follow him, I move slowly as I follow him through the Manor and outside to the gates, I look at Draco worriedly.

"We'll be okay." Draco says, obviously noticing the worry on my face before he holds his hand out, I look at it for a minute before I take it. Suddenly I feel the pull of Disapparation and just as suddenly we arrive at some grass land with a clear lake, the sun is shining and makes the water look like it's shimmering. Draco leads me up a small hill where a picnic blanket lies with food and drinks around it, I stare at it with awe.

"I didn't know what you like, so I got everything Hogwarts used to make." Draco says as he nods for me to sit down, I sit down on the blanket and notice how comfy it is and smile softly. We start eating in silence for a few minutes until I've finished my last bite of a pumpkin pastry."I thought that now we are married that maybe we should get to know each other." Draco says as he looks at me, I bite my lip nervously.

"I think that sounds good." I say with a slight smile. "I think we should start by calling each other by our names when we talk to each other." Draco says, I nod. "So what do you want to know about me, Draco?" I ask adding his name to the question, which seems to make him happy. "Well, Hermione, what's your dream holiday?" Draco asks, I roll my eyes and shake my head with a small smile. "What's funny?" Draco asks. "Of all the things to ask, you ask about my favourite holiday?" I say with a small amount of humour.

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