Chapter 8.

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A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying the story, please tell me what you think!








1 hour later.

Ginny Floo's into the common room expecting Hermione to be there, she looks around the room to make sure she's not there before she decided to head to Scorpius' nursery where she assumes Hermione would be. Once there she finds Scorpius sitting up in his crib looking like he is about to cry, Ginny soothes him quickly before leaving the nursery and going to Hermione's room which she finds empty.

After a quick look at the room, Ginny notices that the floor is wet near the bathroom so she goes over and knocks the door to which she gets no answer, it's at this point she notices that the water is pink. Ginny becomes increasingly worried before she tries to open the door but finds it locked, fear quickly invades her mind as she tried harder to open the door, finally deciding to cast Alohomora, she hears the lock click and she wrenches the door open and finds the horrific sight of Hermione unconscious and half engulfed in the bloody water.

"Oh God, Hermione." Ginny cries loudly as she runs into the bathroom, she turns off the still running water and grabs Hermione's unconscious body, she struggles to get her out of the bath, eventually she pulls her out fully and her body slides on to the wet floor. Ginny quickly notices the deep cut on her wrist that is still bleeding along with the other less deep ones, Ginny stares for a few seconds at Hermione who is deathly pale before casting a rejuvenation spell and then doing chest compressions and rescue breaths, she does this for a few minutes until Hermione gasps awake, she coughs loudly and breathes in quick short breaths, her head falls against the floor as coughs again.

"Hermione, can you hear me?" Ginny asks as she moves Hermione into her lap and looks at her. She watches Hermione's blue tinted lips quiver as she shivers as she becomes cold, Ginny uses Accio for some towels which she places on Hermione. "You need to stay awake, Hermione." Ginny tells Hermione as she notices the drowsy look on her face, she taps her cheek to get Hermione to open her eyes, which she does. A few minutes pass and Hermione starts getting better, her colour comes back and she's able to her eyes open.

Somehow Ginny is able get Hermione off the floor and into bed, she casts a heating spell and a few healing spells that close up the small cuts but only half heals the deeper one so she bandages it up. Hermione doesn't say anything and has a blank look on her face which worries Ginny.

"What happened, Hermione?" Ginny asks twenty minutes later, Hermione turns her head towards Ginny. "I don't know." Hermione says without any emotion in her voice. "How can you not know? I saw your arm and that wasn't an accident." Ginny says looking at Hermione's bandaged arm. "I was in a daze, I didn't really know what I was doing." Hermione says, Ginny frowns.

"You know you can tell me anything." Ginny tells Hermione, who starts to cry. "I can't tell you this." Hermione says fearfully. "Did Draco do something?" Ginny asks as anger flares in her mind. "No, he's not been here. You know that." Hermione says. "So this isn't because of something that happened today?" Ginny questions Hermione, who takes a deep breath. "Not today." Is all Hermione says before facing away from Ginny.

"Oh Gosh, please don't tell me it happened again." Ginny says with a horrified tone, Hermione turns to face Ginny with tears in her eyes, which gives Ginny her answer which makes tears spring to her eyes with anger. "I'll kill him." Ginny almost yells as she gets off the bed and turns towards the door, Hermione jumps from the bed and grabs her hand. "No Ginny, he'll kill you, think about your baby." Hermione says quickly with fear laced in her words, it calms Ginny slightly.

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