Chapter 1.

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A/N: Hey welcome to my new story, I hope you like it, please review and tell me what you think. Thank you.


1 Year after the war. (May 1999)

Hermione thought that loosing Harry to Voldemort was the worst thing that could happen to her, she was wrong.


The War

Hermione couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks as she looked at the lifeless body of her best friend, her brother, she could feel Ron shaking with anger as he hugged her close.

She watched as Neville walked over to Voldemort, she gasped at the thought of Neville giving up and going to their side but then suddenly he pulled The Sword Of Gryffindor out of the hat and lunged for Nagini, he skillfully sliced the snake's head off, which caught Voldemort off guard. Hermione screamed as Voldemort sliced his wand through the air and Neville went flying into the air and into the castle. Suddenly everyone started running and fighting and Voldemort gave the order to capture or kill, chaos exploded everywhere. 

The second battle lasted 6 hours before there were more dead than alive, deciding that he was loosing too many followers, Voldemort gave the order to capture everyone, chain them and send them to the Great Hall.

Hermione sat close to the remaining Weasley's and tried to comfort a heartbroken Ginny, who sobbed on her shoulder.

15 minutes later, Voldemort entered the Great Hall with his remaining followers. "Take the Mudbloods and Blood Traitors to Azkaban." Voldemort bellowed loudly before muttering a spell, suddenly a red flag was over Hermione's head, as well as other Muggleborns Hermione knew, Hermione looked at Ron with a panicked look as Greyback walked over to her and grabbed her roughly by the neck, Ron stood up defensively in front of Greyback who hit him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Get off me, Ron are you okay?" Hermione called as she tried to break free from Greyback's grip. Ron was about to get up when Greyback kicked him in the ribs. "Get off her, you beast." Ron said angrily with a pained expression as he got up off the floor. "You're next Blood Traitor." Greyback growled at Ron before gripping the struggling Hermione and taking her out of the Great Hall, despite the calls and shouts of her friends.

Hermione is thrown onto the floor of a room, the door is closed and locked. Hermione looks around noticing that there was a lot of younger students, including Dennis Creevey, who must have come with his brother Colin, who laid dead somewhere in the castle as the bodies had been moved. Hermione walks over to the 14 year old, who looks up at her with dried tear marks on his face.

"We have to have hope that this isn't the end." Dennis said to Hermione, which surprised her, this young boy watched his brother and hero die in the battle but he still had hope. But how could there be any hope without Harry, Hermione thought to herself sadly.

A couple of hours passed and Hermione had spent most of it making sure the younger students were okay and treating any wounds that she could. Bright lights spilled into the room when the door opened and Death Eaters came in and started taking them from the room, soon Hermione was grabbed and pulled from the room.

They were all walked to the outer limits of the school grounds before being apparated away. Hermione gasped at the coldness that surrounded her as they arrived at the destination, Hermione quickly realised that they were finally at Azkaban and she fearfully tried to escape the grip of who was holding her, she kicked and punched, finally finding a sore spot and the person releases her. Hermione runs as quickly as she can, missing spells being cast at her and Death Eaters trying to grab her, she only stops when she gets to a dead end and she is surrounded, someone hits her roughly in the head and everything goes black.

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