Bonus Chapter: Draco's Side.

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A/N: Surprise! This is some moments that I wanted to Show Draco's side. I hope you enjoy it.

Also i want to thank everyone who has read my story.









3 Months After The War (1998)

Draco sighs as he stands at the door of Lestrange Manor, his mother is straightening his robes. "Stand up straight, Draco." Lucius tells Draco stiffly, who straightens up. "Yes, Father." Draco replies in a monotone voice, he can't believe he's being forced to come here, he just wants to sit in his room. Minutes later the door opens and Draco's, Aunt Bellatrix appears at the door, her eyes are wide with manic joy, the family walk in silence until they start to reach the dungeon.

"I present my gift to you, Draco." Bellatrix says with a crazed smile on her face, Draco doesn't do anything but his father ushers him forward as his aunt walks down the stairs and open the gate of the dungeon. Bellatrix leads them to the far end of the dungeon, she almost seems giddy as she leads them to a girl who slowly stands up.

"She's all yours, Draco." Bellatrix says with an evil grin on her face as she looks at the girl. Draco didn't know what to expect when his aunt said she had a gift for him, he maybe thought it was some Mudblood to torture, he didn't expect it to be The Mudblood, his Mudblood. He doesn't pay much attention to the fact that his parents and his aunt leave, he can't stop looking at the girl, he moves his hand slightly and the movement makes her flinch which surprises him more than he thought it would.

Suddenly he can't see this girl as a Mudblood, even a Muggleborn, she's just a girl, one who is terrified of him and that doesn't feel right, he knows that he should love this, having Hermione Granger flinch at him but looking at her broken form, broke him. He continues to stare at the girl who looks like she is barely able to stand, let alone move. "What in Merlin's name have they done to you, Granger?" Draco asks with raised eyebrows, she seems to perk up slightly after he speaks.

"Like you care, Malfoy." Hermione says with a scowl on her face, he can tell she's trying to be brave, she sounds different and he hates that too. She moves more against the wall, like she's trying to brace herself. "What are you doing?" Draco asks as he moves closer to her. "Waiting for you to do whatever torture you have planned." Hermione says without looking at him, it takes a second for him to realise that this is why he was here.

His aunt wanted him to inflict whatever harm he could on her, after all she was one of his most hated people, she was Potter's best friend. Draco takes another look at her and knows for certain that he wouldn't lay a finger on her, he can't because that's not the Granger he knows. He quickly leaves the dungeon and goes back up the stairs to where his family await, his aunt looks disappointed.

"I didn't hear any screaming." Bellatrix says looking almost angry. "I wasn't in the mood. Thank you for the opportunity but I'm not interested right now." Draco says with a cold voice towards his aunt who sighs. He knows that he'll have to say something to satisfy her. "Give me a couple of hours and I'll do it then." Draco tells Bellatrix who grins with a devious look on her face.

Bellatrix leads them to the parlour, where his mother and father sit and start talking to Bellatrix, Draco goes to the corner of the room and gets out his notepad and pencil and begins to sketch.

Over the next couple of hours the sketch turns into a full drawing of Hermione, the way she looked in the dungeon, he wanted to remember how she looked so he could remember to think of her as a girl and not a Mudblood.

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