Chapter 5.

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A/N: I'm back!!!!


Mentions self harming.

I've spent a long time on this chapter, I hope you like it.


4 months Later.

I never thought that I would still be at Malfoy Manor at 6 months pregnant, then again I never thought Harry would be killed by Voldemort and everything that has happened would happen but I guess that's life. Sometimes I think that Draco still thinks that I'm a disgusting Mudblood and wants to torture me by keeping me here. Of course he still doesn't know about the fact that his wife also birthed his half brother and that by keeping me here while pregnant makes me wish I was dead. Not that he would even ask how I am. Things haven't been great between since we kissed after I told him I'm pregnant.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised by his lack of interest about being a father, all Pureblood men just think that's all women are made for, making heirs to grow their name. I had an Owl come yesterday to tell me to come into St Mungos for my check up, I mentioned it to Draco in passing and he nodded before walking away as quickly as he could.


I grab my jumper and put it on before I walk to the main room with the fireplace so I can Floo to St Mungos. Once there I make my way to the Maternity Ward and sit down in one of the chairs. I look around at the women around me, most of them like me are alone and look miserable but there a few who look happy and are holding hands with their husbands, those are the ones who have good Pureblood husbands or ones that saved them from even worse conditions, I look down and focus on my growing bump.

I do it for so long that I don't notice the people coming into the ward until someone taps me on the shoulder, making me jump, I look up with scared eyes before calming down when I see the smiling face of Ginny, which turns to concern. I take a deep breath and put on a smile. "Oh, hi, Ginny." I say as she sits next to me, she still looks concerned but gives me a smile. "Here for your check up, too?" Ginny asks, I nod.

"Yeah I am. Blaise at home?" I ask. "Actually, he's at the reception asking about something." Ginny says as she points to the reception, I look over and see him talking animatedly with the receptionist, I quickly look down before turning back to Ginny, who smiles softly at him. "Did you hear about Astoria?" Ginny asks, I shake my head. I haven't been staying in touch with anyone, even Ginny, it's still hard talking to and seeing them. "She found out that she's having a boy and started crying because she wanted a girl." Ginny says with a small smirk, I give a small laugh.

"Have you spoken to Ron? Or Luna?" Ginny asks, I can tell that she's worried I'm just not talking to her. "No I haven't." I say with a small sigh, Ginny looks concerned but also a little relieved. "Well, Luna found out she's having a girl and I don't know if you know but a couple of months ago Ron and Pansy found out they were having twins, they decided to not find out the gender. Finding out about twins was all the news they wanted." Ginny says with a smile, I raise my eyebrows in surprise but I smile despite everything.

"Wow, twins. Well I guess that helps with the deadline." I say without thinking, Ginny frowns. "What?" Ginny asks. "I'm sorry, never mind." I say. We stay quiet for a few seconds until Blaise comes over, he takes Ginny's hand in his. "Hello, Hermione. How's Draco?" Blaise asks, I nod a hello to him. "He's fine." I say with a small smile, I don't know if that's true but it's the most honest answer I could give. "Good." Blaise says.

We all sit in silence for a while and I'm so relieved when my name is called that I don't say anything to them.

Alex smiles at me before nodding to the bed, which I move over to and sit down on. "How are you doing today, Hermione?" Alex asks with a smile. "I'm fine." I say, Alex doesn't say anything about me obviously not being fine and starts to ask her questions, I answer them as honestly as I can, she does some tests and then at last she asks me to lay down to check out the baby.

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