A Lie

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"Hey! You long time no see! What happened to you !" Said taemin.
"Yeah hi hyung i'll have shots of vodka, i'll be upstairs" said jimin with sad tone
Taemin felt the sadness in jimin's voice he took a bottle of vodka and two small glasses and followed jimin.
"So what happened? I didn't see you in forever, your car still in my parking lot ( i just remembered jimin had a car, i totally forget where i left it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ ), you only talked to me with messages and today you came looking like you lost your life" said taemin as he sit down.
Jimin passed his hand over his hair, sighted and said
"I'm really a piece of trash, i'm not made to be with anyone i just hurt people"
"Jimin that's not true what's wrong? " asked taemin trying to confort jimin.
"I want to drink till i can't feel my hands, i want to forget what i've done, i miss him so much and he'll not look at me again it hurts hyung " jimin took the alcohol's bottle and started drinking directly from the bottle.
" ya ya ya stop are you planning on killing your self!?" Yelled Taemin as he took the half empty bottle from jimin's hand. "Get up !! This is not right let's go somewhere open!! Getting wasted will not solve the problem!! Get up!" Yelled taemin.
He dragged jimin out, they drove to a nearby cliff where they sat and watched the beautiful night view of seoul. Jimin told his hyung the whole story.
"Jimin you did find love and it'll be so stupid to just let him go like this, you did hurt him clearly, i can understand that all of this is new for you, i understand you're afraid to hurt him more if you agree to be in serious relationship with him so that's why you felt like you'll be trapped in a box but look at yourself now you can't continue your way without that person. Yes maybe he's a little bit too jealous but you need to put your self in his shoes, he loves you, he lost you once and when he found you he so afraid to loose you again seeing how people run after you especially he doesn't know how you feel about him. Being in a relationship does not mean you're trapped or you're not free, it means you love a person so much that he's the world to you, he's your wings to fly high, okay jimin ?" Said taemin.
"So what can i do now?" Asked jimin.
"Talk to him, make things clear between you guys, share your point of view with him, understand him"
"But he's not willing to talk to me, i told he ignored me and drove away"
" i know jimin, he still mad if you really love him you should never give up on him, go to his house and try again and again until he's ready to hear you"
"I'm afraid he's already over me " whispered jimin but taemin heard him.
" this men loved you since you're a teen, do you really think he's over you in one day "
"Yeah you're right hyung thank you for listening to me, i was really lost thank you" said jimin as he put his head on taemin's shoulder
"By the way, what do you think this jungkook did in his past life to have you to himself for the rest of his life, saved a nation maybe ?" Asked taemin jokingly.
"Stop it hyung, what i did me to deserve him, he's so handsome, so caring, so kind, so funny he knows what i need before even speaking, i feel so safe when he hugged me, when he kissed me-"
"Hey hey wake up holy shit who are you ? Is that you jimin that i know ??" Teased taemin
"Ah hyung stop let's go, can you please drop me off at jungkook's house? I will talk to him tonight!" Said jimin determined.
Taemin laughed at jimin's cuteness " sure, let's go"

In front of jk's residence
"Good luck, call me when you guys are back together! " said taemin
"Sure hyung, thank you, good night" said jimin as he closed the car door.
Jimin entered the residence and headed to jungkook's appartement, his heart is beating so fast, he'll confess for the first time of his life.
"Okay park jimin get yourself together, don't stress out explain everything slowly" said jimin to himself as he pressed the door's bell.
"Oh he's not home maybe" whispered jimin to himself as he was pressing the door bell for the ninth time.
He was determined to talk to him so he went down, he saw that jungkook's car is not in the parking lot so he concluded he not home yet. Jimin decided to wait for jungkook in the small garden in front of the residence.
After nearly 15min he saw the youngest car entering the parking lot, jimin stand up to walk towards jk but to his surprise the youngest was not alone, a handsome men left the car and immediately put his hand on jk's waist while the latter hugged him closer.
Jimin was speechless, was jungkook lying all the time?, is it his way to take revenge after what happened years ago?, did he already have a boyfriend? Jimin felt tears leaving his eyes as he was looking at the two entering the residence. Jungkook looked so happy as he was smiling so wide. Jimin concluded he never meant anything to the youngest, he wanna just run away of all this, he felt his heart ache.
He stand then for a couple minutes then he took a taxi and found himself in front of tae's house ringing the doorbell.
"Ahhh yaaaaa i missed you i'm sorry" yelled tae as he opened the door to his best friend and immediately hugged jimin so tied." Ya why did you ignored me all that time, thanks god i have jungkook we talked often so that i keep getting your news" said tae as he keep hugging his best friend.
Jimin just burst into crying out loud.
"Yaaa what happened, come on in" said tae as he drugged his best friend inside.
They sit down on the couch. Jimin told tae everything from the day they first slept together and tae teasing them till what he just saw an hour ago.
"Oh jimin come here" said tae as he opened his arms big to hug jimin.
Jimin snuggled into his best friend , his face still wet from all the tears.
"What should i do now?" Said jimin after he calmed down a bit
"First we're not sure that jungkook had a boyfriend before we met, we need to be sure about that we cannot just assume that" replied tae
"But he was hugging him, he was laughing hard after ignoring me"
"Yeah but look I'm hugging you does that mean we're together"
" no that's different.." whispered jimin
"Listen jimin really we need to find out the truth, you find love jimin it's a miracle it self, i can't just sit down and watch jungkook go away"
"No i don't wanna talk to him, i'll be over him in no time, it's not love, maybe because he was so caring i felt good with his presence that's it, i'm not talking to him, this is over" said jimin as he sit up straight.
"Jimin le-"
"Tae no! We're not searching for anything, if i'm really his lifetime love, he should be looking for me not spending a night with someone and laughing like  he's looking to his favorite artist, we're done here" said jimin wiping off his tears.
Taehyung not convinced at all, but he don't wanna get jimin anymore angrier, he know jimin has a huge ego, he let him be and decided to call jungkook later to hear him out.
"Wanna sleep here for the night like old days" asked tae changing the subject.
" yessss, i was planning to do so even if you don't ask, i don't wanna be in my appartement, it'll remind me of him" said jimin
"Okay , working tomorrow? " asked tae.
"Fuck! Yes ! And i have to work with him on a project fuck i completely forgot that! Listen i don't care i'll act like nothing happened"
"Jimin are you sure? I really think you should talk to him"
"Not even in one thousand years! " yelled jimin. " now shut up and let's go to bed already" he continued.

My story got a very first vote, and i'm really thankful 🙏🏻  you made my day i swear, anyways i hope you're enjoying my story so far.
I also have 200+ read i'm very thankful too to everyone, i hope my story meet your expectation.

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