New orientation

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"Namjoon hyung" said jk
"Namjoon.. Namjoon.. oh oh i see the hot guy, the president of jin hyung class in high school ?"
"Hot.. HOT?!" Asked jungkook as he give his hyung the most annoying face.
Jimin smiled and buried his face in the youngest's neck and said " not even the slightest bit close to your hotness"
Jungkook smiled and continued " yeah that guy, remember you guys your first year in high school, it's their graduation year, all the school knew about their love story, but what we didn't knew even us theirs families that both of them are not very comfortable about their sexuality namjoon hyung since always want to have a traditional family, he want to be father, he want to have a wife but when he found out he's not attracted to women, he felt like he lost everything and jin hyung he felt sorry for our parents, he knew he's not attracted to women, when we were younger me and him were not that close but he knew that i only love you so he felt like we'll be a burden on our family none of us will have the image of that traditional family, even tho my parents always tell us that no matter who we choose they will be happy for us and support us forever. So sometimes they spit their insecurities on each other and argue, sometimes they love each other like there is no tomorrow and they were in this roller coaster ride for years, when namjoon hyung decided to go study abroad, he wanted jin hyung with him and hyung accepted, we encouraged him because at that time we didn't know what's going on between them. But short after, their arguments were more complicated and they hurt each other a lot, jin hyung didn't wanna tell me the details but i understand anyways, one night namjoon  hyung get home late and wasted, jin hyung told me that he never saw him like that before, he.." jungkook stopped for a while and jimin caressed the youngest's cheek to reassure him to continue and jungkook continued " he raped him... " jimin gasped and jungkook tensed a little " jin hyung told me that all his body was covered with bruises, he couldn't walk for days, the insults that namjoon hyung said kept playing in my hyung's mind, he even consulted a psychologist after that, so that's when he moved out and went to another city, he didn't wanna loose everything, thanks god he just graduated so he looked for a job in another city and went there, he told me namjoon hyung was begging him to be forgiven, he was begging him to give him another chance but jin hyung refused, when he told me this last year i was shocked, angry and sad but also i admired the strength of jin hyung, he told me that he still love namjoon hyung after all what he did, but he said that he was mentally and physically tired, and he blamed him self for not being strong enough to fight for the person he loves, how can he said that after all i dont know but anyways short after, namjoon hyung went back to korea, he went to my family house begging them not to tell jin hyung that he want back to korea because he knew jin hyung will never come home again if namjoon hyung is in korea and that's it, namjoon hyung is a professor at busan university i think jin hyung knows about it now and he didn't wanna go back home probably he's avoiding namjoon hyung"
Jimin little hands were hugging jungkook's left arm, he was literally shocked from the story he just heard he said " i'm sorry for that, but definitely seokjin hyung is a very strong person, i feel sorry for namjoon hyung too he's suffering too"
"I know baby, as a brother i hope they'll never meet again, i can probably kill him if he dared to touch my jin hyung again, but as someone in love i know, when you love someone you only want him no matter how he is, i know jin hyung is suffering inside being apart from the love of his life, and i hope they found their way back to each other arms so i don't know what i should do"
"I think the power of love is so strong, they will figure it out themselves, i don't think there's much you can do, trust me they'll be fine don't worry" said jimin
Few minutes later
"Jungkook? " Asked jimin.
"This is stupid to ask but i never got a clear answer, you're with me now so you're gay i guess?" Asked jimin with a little blush on his face, he knew that it was a stupid question ( A/N i know too but who cares)
Jungkook laughed and said " will you believe me when i say i don't even know, i've never been attracted to anyone except you i mean with my heart, before i had you, i only felt the urge to fuck, most of the times i fucked girls, it happened that i fucked boys, in both cases i satisfied my self, maybe i felt more pleasure with boys then girls, but anyways i felt sorry for them i didn't care for them, when we had sex me and you, it felt different, for the first time, i felt i care for the person i have with me, i want to satisfy you, be gentle with you, love you so i guess like jin hyung said i'm not gay, neither bi, I'm inventing a new orientation called jimin but only i allowed to have this orientation"
Jimin turned red like a tomato, his beautiful smile is in full display on his pretty face " what's that? A line from a romantic drama? "
" hyung, don't ruin the moment i'm being honest"
"Okay okay, but mr honest romantic not gay neither bi we need to get up it's almost 10 am so let's go" said jimin letting go of the youngest's big arm.
"No, 10 more minutes" said jungkook holding jimin
"No get up i know this 10 more minutes technique, we'll be staying here for the whole morning" said jimin trying to free him self.
"Okay okay give me a kiss and i'll get up"
Jimin believed him, he got closer to give him what he asked for, but jungkook had another plan, he hold jimin tight and rolled them so that the youngest was on top of him, half naked, eyes full of lust he said with a manly deep voice " baby, let's start our day with some healthy exercise"
Time askip ( A/N let's not invade their privacy 😜😈😏🤣)
"Why why why just tell me why you're always horny like always, one day you'll broke something in me i swear, maybe you should see a doctor" said jimin as he was drying his hair.
Jungkook laughed as he zip up his jeans " what can i do it's your fault, you're always so pretty, smells so good, so fragile, so cute, so tasty, and that body for fuck sake so perfect what do you want me to do i cannot resist, it's out of my control, and don't act like you're an innocent little angel, look at all this hickeys around my stomach, my biceps i even have one near my dick i don't think i did them to my self "
Jimin blushed, he can't deny, yes jungkook is driving him crazy, he had a lot of sex before but with jungkook is something else, he's making love to him and if he can, he wanna spend the whole week riding jungkook's dick no problem.
"Okay okay i got it shut up, come i'll dry you hair" said jimin and jungkook obeyed like a little kid, he hugged his hyung as the older blow drying his long hairs.
"Done, let me go"
"Fuck.You smell so good"
"Jungkook i swear to god if you touched me i'll rip your dick into pieces, we need to go to the hospital and i have class later you already skipped morning class don't skip the afternoon one, calm your horny ass and call your hyung"
"Easy hyung i'm just saying, but if you turned me on why not" replied jungkook as he hold tight jimin's ass with his big hands.
"Okay you asked for" jimin unplug the blow-drier and tried to hit the youngest with it.
Jungkook immediately back off, laughing "oh you can really be violent .... i love it" he said and slapped jimin's ass.
"Jeon jungkook ! " yelled jimin
"Okay okay no more teasing stop" said jungkook.
Jimin still holding the blow-drier not believing the youngest anymore
"Hyung i'm serious really no more, do you want to invite our families this Saturday ?"
Jimin sighted " yeah why not, ask tae also he would love to see his parents here"
"Sure, i'll use this opportunity to tell them about our relationship, by the way did you know that all the years we were apart every time i went home, your mom cooked me my favorite meal and i was too weak to refuse it" said jk
"I know jisung told me, she only talks about you, how handsome you are, how tall you are, how strong you are, how kind you are blablabla" said jimin
"I love her too, thanks god my mother in law will not throw a glass of water on my face for trying to be with her son" said jungkook joking.
Jimin rolled his eyes " you're such a drama lover"

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