Blind Anger

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Jungkook went to minjung's desk and asked him but he has a shooting session for a magazine tomorrow he's not available, he apologized to jk but jungkook was more than happy even tho he managed to put a little sad face.
"Oh hi how are ?" Said jennie leaving her desk as she saw jungkook walking towards their office.
"Hey fine thank you, I'm looking for jimin sumbenim is he in his office? " asked jk
Jennie didn't feel good about her crush looking for jimin" oh yeah he's in his office can i help you maybe" replied jennie
"Oh no thank you, i'll go talk to him" said jungkook as he walked to jimin's office.
Jennie just sighted and went to do her task
Jk knocked before entering the office.
"Hey, i missed you so damn much" said jk as he closed the door behind him.
"Are you kidding me! What are you doing here! get out! They'll think something is going between us" whispered-yelled jimin.
"Easy hyung, i'm here to talk work, are you available tomorrow? I'm working with this model for a car ad and i need a photographer to take some shots, hoseok Sumbenim told me to ask you or that minjung thanks god he's busy tomorrow" said jk
Jimin sighted and took his seat.
"And why would i go with you ? I don't wanna " said jimin with a sassy face.
" umm if you agree to help me, i'll buy you dinner tonight " said jk with smile.
"You know me well i'm weak in front of food, okay deal"
"You're not weak in front of food only" smiled jk as he touched jimin's plump lips.
"Move, get out! you horny ass" said jimin pushing jungkook's hand away.
"I'm not leaving until you give me a kiss" said jungkook.
"No way! get out! Why are so strong" whined jimin as he tried to push jk.
Jungkook grabbed jimin's ass cheek with one hand and he put his other hand on jimin's waist and pulled him until their chests touched.
"I always get what i want baby" said jk in very low tone, leaned down and kissed jimin.
Jimin once again lost control over his body, he just encircled his hands around the younger's neck and let him do whatever he wants.
The kiss was hot and full of lust. They broke it up after a while seeking of air but they kept their faces close to each other, they're breathing heavily. Jimin moved his hands down jk's face and touched his dimples, then his lips and said " i think i'm in trouble " jungkook smiled showing off his cute bunny smile and his little dimples "it's 14 pm and I'm feeling so hungry let's go get dinner now" said jk.
" you'll be the death of me ! Get out now you get what you want get out, they'll suspect something" said jimin while moving away from jk's body.
"Call me when you're off work" said jungkook opening jimin's office door.
"I'll think about it" said jimin with a smirk.
Jungkook just smiled and left the room.
Time skip
Jimin texted jungkook " i saw you leaving the studio, I'm leaving the office now but we need to go get tae i promised him i'll have dinner with him tonight is that okay with you?"
Seconds later " of course ! You don't have to ask. Where shall we meet?"
"There is a good barbecue restaurant near tae's house we can go there. I'll text you the address"
"Okay! On my way!"
In the restaurant
The table was full of food and beer, the 3 boys devouring all the food.
"So tae hyung you didn't tell me do you have a girlfriend? " asked jk
"No but i have a crush on a girl, she's a photographer too, she's so nice, so kind i'm afraid to tell her maybe she don't like me back i don't know" said tae.
Jimin nearly chuckled with his food and said" kind! Nice! That bitch she's a dump rude bitch!"
"Stop it! That's not true i don't know why you don't like her" said tae
"I hate her! She's using you, she's a pain in the ass she thinks she owns this world, wake up i'll never be okay with this relationship ! "
"It's like i'm waiting for your agreement! You just like to love and hate people like you want ! There is no rational reason! " yelled tae.
Jungkook tried to calm them down but they didn't let him talk, every one at the restaurant started looking at them.
"Rational reason ! I told she's using you! Don't you understand! Without you that shitty studio will disappear! She's ruining your life! And you want to even give her more access to ruin your future, your everything, she doesn't have a life, her life already a mess" yelled jimin
" oh yeah! her life is a mess because she doesn't have a lot of money to spend her nights in bars and wear fancy clothes like yours at least she doesn't spend her night sucking cocks and she's not waking up every morning in some stranger's bed!" Yelled tae.
Jungkook's big eyes went triple their size, taehyung realized what he said looked at jimin who looked so shocked " i'm sorry.. i didn't mean it.. i" said tae before jimin cut off his words " yes, you're right, i spent my nights sucking cocks, i'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, i just wanna tell you that i'm a god damn gay whore who sleep every night with a new stranger, i'm sorry for ruining your calm dinner, thank you my BEST FRIEND" yelled jimin before leaving the restaurant.
Jung kook run after him. ( my dramatic ass🤦🏻‍♀️😂)
"Hyung! Hyung wait for me! Let me drive you home hyung please!" Yelled jk while running after jimin.
"Leave me alone! i don't wanna talk to anyone!  i wanna be by myself ! " yelled jimin as he was running away.
Jungkook was faster than him so he reached his hyung and grabbed his shoulders. "Hyung please! It's late let me drive you home and i'll leave you alone please" said jk very softly.
Jimin was sobbing like crazy, he just put his head on jungkook's shoulders looking for some confort. Jk rubbed his back " it's okay hyung let it all out it's okay" said jk very softly.
After nearly half an hour of jimin crying and jungkook contorting him. Jimin agreed to let the younger dive him home.
Now they're sitting in jk's car. Jimin calmed down but he looked really broken, he was looking outside the window and jungkook driving quietly and stealing glances to his hyung for time to time checking on him. Jk's heart aches for the sight of his lover in that situation.
"Hyung we arrived.. hyung" said jk.
"Oh i'm sorry, thank you" said jimin with very sad tone.
And before jimin opened the car's door, jk grabbed his hyung's  hand and said very desperately " hyung, are you sure you don't want me to be with you ? Hyung please i can't go home and leave you like this. Let me stay with you please".
Jimin's tears started flowing again as he looked at jungkook, his eyes screaming "stay with me"
"Hyung please stop crying, you're breaking my heart, for sure tae hyung didn't mean what he said, you know when someone is angry he spits out whatever comes to his mind" said jungkook while hugging jimin "let go" he continued.
Jimin was silent as jungkook parked his car. They get out of the car, jk held jimin so close to him as they wear walking towards jimin's appartement.

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