X - Tweedledee and Tweedledum

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Wake up!"

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Wake up!"


Alice felt her heartburn and her breath- slowly turning to be difficult. Her tears still continuously pouring down on her cheeks.

Moments later after five blinks and the continuous feeling of nails stabbing her feet... she was awake but the room was different, no lights smell rotten and there was a written statement on the wall...

You are staying... right?

After seeing that statement from the wall, she tries to move out of the horror she's in... she felt nails stabbing her once again, realizing that she was hooked on a wall of that room, as her blood mixed with the other blood and flesh that are visible in that very room. She screams and screams and screams her lungs out until she heard voices.

"She's conscious."

The young maiden has awakened from that fun and later on disturbing dream, she felt stings both on her arms and legs, and slowly it feels even more painful than ever. Alice observed herself, found out that she is nailed on a wall on that very room that is dusty, windows are closed, crawling creatures inside the room, and small holes are visible in her eyes.

"Please let me out, I just want to go home!", She screams repeatedly, her shaky voice echoing as her blood is slowly dripping on her skin and causing stains on the walls- Her tears, being mixed with her blood. Alice blinked, blinked, and blinked in pain as she remembers her friend; the Mad Hatter in her room- his lifeless body is still in there.

The young maiden feels like she is failing, slowly- slowly failing to save Eduard Oliver Hatter, her friend at Wonderland. The one that she danced with during her dreaming state. And that girl, that was screaming at her, to wake up. Was that, Krystal? That is what Alice is questioning in her head.

For, "I'll see you somewhere." Is what the young maiden has read from her, that is what she is believing at the moment.

Alice is there, nailed to the walls of that nasty-looking room, hoping that the people behind the sacrifices will have at least a realization to just let the souls go without any other sacrifice to be added to the list.

"Have a heart, at least!" The young maiden screams again, and again, and again. Enough for a small, circular figure that wears stripes that have black and white in them to hear. The door opens revealing a twin called Tweedledum, he walks towards the young maiden while laughing, "Her orders, we follow." Later on, Alice looks at him, revealing another twin, Tweedledee.

Alice's tears are continuously flowing on her cheeks, her teeth screaming pain and anger at Tweedledee and Tweedledum, "What do you want from me! I am just a girl."

"You are a girl, that will complete her way to the throne," Tweedledum says as he walks towards the young maiden, touching her chin to make her look at his eyes.

Alice is figuring out a play to make the twins let her go at least on being nailed to the wall, for she is feeling dizzy- a sign that she is losing blood- she is slowly losing her life- at eight years old.

She blinked, and blinked, and blinked - three times thinking a way to get out of the wall, she speaks, "Mister Tweedle? Can you put me down on the ground? I'll behave myself, I promise." The young maiden swallows a lump in her throat, not sure of her statements that came out of her mouth for the sake of being desperate to go out of that room, to save the good people of Wonderland, especially the innocent.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum turned to face the young maiden who has dried tears on her cheeks, a few strands of hair left on her head, bloodstains that are sitting on her skin- the twins speak, "Which, Tweedle, Alice?" both of them questions, simultaneously.

Alice smiles at them, "Any of the two of you, please, I beg."

Tweedledee walks towards her once again, holding her chin as he questions, "And what would you do after?"

The young maiden was about to speak but Tweedledum interrupted, "She said that she will behave."

The twin, turns to his twin, eyebrows raised, and confusion has drawn to his face, "Dum, what are you trying to imply at this moment?"

"Let her down, and... order her to do anything," Tweedledum says, with such strong voice, the tone sounding like a soldier who is ordering a slave to do something for him and to be quick with it.

Because of that, Tweedledee follows with no hesitation, and slowly removes the nail that is buried in the skin of the young maiden that made her make the sound of pain little by little.

Six nails, for both of her hands, arms, and feet- the most painful part for her for she felt the nail buried in her veins in the feet.

The weak body of Alice made a loud thud- dropped on the floor, face on the floor. She felt tears once again, her tears on the floor but she looks up despite feeling weak, and hopeless and at that moment she might lose a life- her life. For her blood is continuously dripping on the floor.

She just looks at the twins, and Tweedledum speaks, "Poor child."

A child that is innocent for any bad thing that happened to Clementine, the Queen of Hearts is suffering because of her parents curse to the family of the Queen, is now feeling pain, fear, and confusion- All she wants is to be well for all, for the Queen to have a heart, and just give acceptance and let go of her madness for Alice's family.

Alice speaks, begging to spare her life, asking for forgiveness for what has Belle her mother has done to this former royal family.

"I beg of you, mister. Just let me live. My family is sorry, we are sorry."

The twins just stared at her, but Alice then hears whispers that echo across the room- She was the only one that hears it.

"A want you to play something for me, Alice."

It was the echo of Clementine.

The young maiden suddenly remembered that a thing that made her parents happy is the piano, maybe that instrument will save her... maybe.

"Mister, can I play..." The young maiden eyes the piano that is by the closed window, "the piano?"

The young maiden stands up, tries her best to walk, as her blood leave lines on the floor, moments later her tiny fingers, rest on the white piano tiles, she closed her eyes, and whispers to herself,

"Mother, I hope, I'll come home to your arms." 

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