I - Let Me Breathe, Mad Hatter.

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Alice was sitting on the garden of thorns- on grass that has dirt and stems from old decayed flowers- at Wonderland, her little arms are tied, she tried to shook it off, sweat from her pale skin is visible, her eyes are closed yet her pupils are moving from the inside- confusion and fear are with her at that moment.

As she repeatedly hears a voice that is saying, "Today is your birthday, on the fourth of May." That voice was unfamiliar to her, yet she hears another saying from it, "All your friends will be invited and... you'll love them." Those two statements are repeatedly heard by Alice as her pupils from her eyes that are closed continued to move- confusion and fear, it is still there.

She was trying to open her eyes, but she cannot. Alice felt needles stabbing her eyes as she tried to do it, so she decided to keep them closed. She spoke, "I want to open my eyes, but it hurts as if it is being stabbed by needles, repeatedly."

The Mad Hatter smiled from what he heard from Alice and he was trying to loosen the tightness of the rope tied the little arms of this sweet, little, seven-year-old girl. As he was doing it, The Queen of Hearts glanced at him with horror in her eyes, that caused The Mad Hatter to stopped what he was doing. They heard Alice speak once again, her eyes still closed, "To I, what is happening?"

Because of that, The Queen Of Hearts led a hand on the little girl's shoulder, "Oh, Alice, my pet. You will be fine. As long as you stay here, and follow what I say to you."

Alice questioned, pain is still felt as she tried to open her eyes, "Are you really? Pain is all felt by me. Save me, whoever you are."

"Keep your eyes closed and repeat what I say to you." The Queen of Heart, says as the Mad Hatter transfers Alice to a wooden wagon, on their way to the tea party.

"Will it lessen my pain? And will I be able to open my eyes?"

"Yes, dear. Just follow everything that I am going to say."

Alice then tried to relax despite feeling terrified with the situation and sat up straight, with her little arms still tied on her back with a rope.

The Queen of Hearts caressed the pale cheeks of the girl and started to speak once again, "You are in Wonderland with me, at a tea party, about to drink a honey tea." Alice followed, "I am at a tea party, about to drink a honey tea." That statement was repeatedly said by the both of them for about five times until the Queen of Hearts spoke different, different sentences came out of her mother-like voice, "At the count of three, our eyes will meet." As the Mad Hatter pour the tea, the Queen of Hearts continued to speak, "At this day, they will greet."

"One... two... I am your mother, alright?", The Queen Of Hearts caressed Alice's cheeks once again, "You may open your eyes."

"You are my mother." Alice followed as the pupils inside of her eyes are moving, and slowly she opened her eyes, honey tea on her cup, with a powder floating on it.

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