V - Cheshire Cat Speaks

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How do you find, Wonderland? Fun or deadly? I hope you'll stay regardless, I would love to see you with your dear friends hiding here somewhere.

Your mother-mother,


Alice looks at the White Rabbit and speaks, "I have a question... does the Queen see you as well? I mean, you arrived when we were having a tea party, right?"

"Yes, she can see me... when she wants to."

That made Alice frown and she speaks once again, "You are a soul, that is still not free?"

The White Rabbit took a deep breath and sighs, "You are indeed correct."

Alice speaks not making eye contact with the jumping creature but with the letter, "I will free your soul, myself and the Mad Hatter, I promise."

The White Rabbit smiles, "Don't make promises, just do your will. I know you can."

Alice questions once again, "I assume the friends that the queen is talking about are Agatha, Krystal, and Timothy. She is indeed planning on ruining my childhood."

"Indeed, she is. But, I think the Cheshire Cat can help us with your freedom, let's summon the purple cat once again?"

"Yes, mister, please."

The White Rabbit holds the small hands of the young maiden and takes a deep breath while eyes are closed, both of them.

Mysterious and purple, it floats and disappears whenever it wants

Later on, after the show go to your room, and it fur will be found on a black-colored plant

Alice, I know you are watching right now, you are watching me as I sing

At Wonderland, Did you know, I used to be the king

Alice suddenly felt air surrounding the room,

This land used to be a fun land

Not until the Queen, who you call mother, demand

In exchange, I am just a soul, who appears when she orders

Children became her obsession, freedom for them has borders

The paper suddenly floats, both Alice and The White Rabbit as well. The jumping creature continues,

Careful, she looks kind, but don't let looks fool oneself

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