Working and Laughs

Start from the beginning

When we walking in, Zay is already undressing, his lean muscled back making me distracted, but only for a few seconds, as he raises his shirt over his head and begins to tug down his jeans. Usually he comes with his uniform on, but I guess today isn't one of those days. I turn away from his half naked form and face Beth instead who's already dressed for work.

I catch her looking over my shoulder with an amused smile before I try to strike up a conversation while waiting on Zay since he's the one who is going to continue training me. "So you're a Faerie right?" I ask her awkwardly and she turns towards me with a laugh before she nods and graciously answers my question without teasing me about my awkward tone and stance. I've never been one to be shy around anyone, even undressing, especially since in high school and even college, you always find yourself changing in front of others, but for some reason, this just feels a lot more personal than any random school activities.

"Yes, I am a Faerie. An Earth Faerie at that." She tells me and I almost jump at the sound of her voice, forgetting about the question I asked just that fast.

"I don't know that much about Faeries. The most I know is what I learned off of Tinker Bell. My girlfriend had me watch all of them with her." I tell her, missing the look she sends over my shoulder.

But I do catch the nervous laugh that falls from her lips before we continue our conversation making me frown in confusion. "Yeah, you would actually be surprised to find out that Tinker Bell is actually the most accurate Faerie description there is, except a few obvious things." She says but before I can say anything, Zay is calling my name.

"Newbie." Well, not my name.

I turn around to see what he wants and see that he's all dressed and waiting for me to throw my stuff in to his locker before he closes it and it locks. I pull the nonessentials out of my pocket and place my bag in there as well before he closes the door and clicks his lock into place.

Though I know that I need to get a locker, I've been kind of procrastinating it a bit. If I'm just able to share the metal cabinet with my friend and coworker then whats the point of wasting money and getting a whole one to myself.

There isn't a point.

Once everyone is ready, we head to the door where I punch in my numbers and type in the time before we all grab our tickets and head out the door into the hallway.

"Okay, guys, I'm going to train the dolphins. You guys have fun!" She says and I wave to her just like Zay as she smiles and she's making her way down the opposite end of the hallway before she turns and disappears from view.

"Come on, we're going to be Greeters today." Zay tells me as we begin a slow steady pace from the locker room to the front hall, where there's already plenty of people bustling about even if we just opened an hour ago. "This job is pretty easy, you just greet the customers after they come through bagging and wish them a fun time. If they have any questions about exhibits get them a map, or give them verbal directions. You can't leave this post unless it's to the bathroom and you have to make sure I'm here to cover for the both of us."

As we weave our way through the crowd, I nod along with the instructions, sobs or bing the information as we move along.

Soon we reach a spot on the floor that's marked only by a piece of fish and Zay points to another one parallel to mine that'd about ten feet away to the right.

"This is your spot. That's mine. I'll be right back, go ahead and start." He says but before I can answer, he walks away making me frown. Instead of doing as told, I find myself watching him as he walks up to a security guard that's working on the bagging line. He taps the man's shoulder and he turns around with smiling eyes even if his face it stoic.

They stand and talk for a few seconds before Zay smiles and walks away, coming towards his place on the floor with a wide grin and a little flush along his cheeks.

He must have been flirting with that man.

And even though when I first got here this week, all I wanted was for him to get a new crush so his green eyes would stop marking my dreams, the feeling of him giving someone else the attention I once felt seems, wrong.

And I realize I don't like the feeling.

Once the thought hits my mind, I immediately distract myself by turning away and beginning to greet the visitors around me.

Because whatever is going on with me right now, something tells me I'm not quite ready to figure out what it is.

Ohhhhh guys be excited be so excited, everything is going to start slowly falling together. And I typed this in a word count app so I wouldn't accidentally give you a shorter chapter by accident.

Who do you think the man was that Zay went to go talk to?



QOTD: What kind of cereal is your favorite?

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