🩸New Friends🩸

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"What do you wanna talk about Namjoon?" Hoseok sits beside Namjoon who was sitting on his bed. The room was cold.

"There is someone who comes into Jungkook neighborhood" Namjoon voice coming out cold and dark.

"So?" Hoseok was getting nervous. Namjoon never talks like this.

"Maknae's are planning to drink her blood" Namjoon looks at Hoseok who was still confused.

"Her? Is it a girl?" Hoseok looks back at those deep black eyes.

"Yea," He replies getting off the bed and going over the window looking outside.

"So what's the problem with it?" Hoseok questions as he sees nothing else other than Namjoon back.

"Her blood is special" Namjoon smiles, Hoseok could see that smile from the reflection on the window.

"The sweetest blood, sweet as honey" Namjoon lips form a smirk.

"And you want every drop by yourself" Hoseok smirks in which namjoon nods turning to face him.

"Shame on you Namjoon" Hoseok laughs as well as Namjoon.

"I swear you are the only one I can share things with" Namjoon laughs again. Realizing, Hoseok knows every secret of him, Everything that maybe Jin didn't know even after being his boyfriend.

"Things are always safe with me, I am Always available" Hoseok winks.

"Now to the point, How do you know that her blood is Sweet?" Hoseok facial expression changes, He now was serious in which Namjoon as well become serious.

"As soon as she came to Jungkook neighborhood, I went to her house for blood" Namjoon explains in which Hoseok nodded.

"As soon as I smelled her, The sweetness took over me. That smell was so sweet that I wanted to drink her blood right away but decided to leave her for later" Namjoon admits smiling as soon as he remembered that smell.

"How do you know maknae's are planning to drink her up?" Hoseok raises his brow.

"I heard them talking about it" Namjoon remembers how he becomes invisible to hear the conversation.

"If she is that sweet then I wanna try it too" Hoseok smiles.

"Don't worry we will, soon"


"I am not satisfied" Jungkook pouts as Taehyung makes a black hole, throws the body in it, and closes his palm, making the black hole disappear.

"Be thankful we even got something to drink" Jimin lets out a sigh. Realizing how it was hard for them to find someone. These days humans are more careful as the news of having vampires in their city spread out.

"I want to drink her blood" Taehyung confesses looking in the same direction where that girl lives.

"Me too" Jungkook smiles.

"Forget about it," Jimin says making Taehyung and Jungkook frown.

"I am going back, bye," says Jimin as he disappears in a black mist.

"Hey Jungkook" Jungkook turns to face Tae who was at his back, Tae wraps his hands around Jungkook shoulder and places his chin on his shoulder.

"Go and talk to her in the morning, more likely greet her, make her your friend. Then we can target her" Jungkook smiles at the idea.

"No problem I will" Both look in the same direction. Smiling like a devil.


Ding dong!!

"Coming" The girl runs to open the door facing a handsome boy,

"Hello." The boy greets the same goes for the girl.

"Hello, Who are you?" The girl asks.

"I am your neighbor, I live there" The boy points at the house. The same house where she that boy with a handsome face, Features perfectly place on his face,

She smiles as soon as she remembers his face, but then here comes the worst part: a boy with pale skin, red lips, and dull eyes treated her like trash.

"So what do you want?" Her voice coming out angry.

"Aaa... I wanted to greet you and welcome you to the new neighborhood" The boy smiles.

"Go ask your brother who treats me like trash when I went there to greet" The girl crosses her hands across her chest.

The boy raises his brow.

"My brother? But I don't have any brother" the boy confesses making the girl scoffs.

"Then who was that boy with pale skin, red lips, and dull eyes?" Girl asks.

"Pale skin? Oh! That is one of my friends" The boy chuckles.

"He is very cold-hearted so if he treated you like that then I am sorry, He treats the same as me and others" The boy smiles.

"Others?" The girl raises her brow.

"Yea I live with some of my friends. That house belongs to me." The boy informs.

"Oh, Well please come in" The girl moves aside to let the boy come in.

"Nice house" The boy compliments as he goes and sits on one of the couches same goes for the girl.

"Thanks" the Girl blushes.

"So what's your name?" The girl asks making that boy face palm himself.

"Why didn't I introduce myself yet?" The boy moves his hand for a handshake.

"My name is Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook" The boy introduces himself, The girl shakes his hand.

"My name is Y/N, Kim Y/n" The girl introduces herself as well.

"Pleasure to meet you Y/n," Jungkook says giving her a bunny smile.

"You too, Jungkook" Y/n smiles.

"You live alone?" Jungkook questions.

"No, I live with my parents" Y/n replies.

"Oh nice," Jungkook looks around again.

Oh shit, you forget to ask him, Stupid Y/n.

"What would you love to have? Cold or hot?" The girl gets up.

"Water" Jungkook replies, Y/n smiles and went into the kitchen.

That smell, Gosh it smells so sweet,

"Here you go" Y/n hands Jungkook a glass of water on a small tray.

"Thank you" Jungkook bows and takes the glass.

Y/n watches Jungkook gulp down the water. Sinful thoughts coming into her mind.

What the fuck are you thinking y/n?!

Jungkook feels those glares on him making him smile. Jungkook puts the glass down. Facing y/n.

"Thank you Y/n, I will be leaving now, It was nice to meet you" Jungkook stands up to leave, Y/n stands as well and bows to him.

"You too," Y/n smiles.

"Btw if you don't mind, Can we be friends?" Jungkook asks shyly.

But from internally he was confident.

"Sure I would love too" Y/n smiles making Jungkook relief.

"Thank you I hope we can hang out someday," Jungkook says.

"How about tomorrow?" Y/n asks making Jungkook smirk and then that smirk turns into a smile.

"Sure tomorrow would be perfect," Jungkook says.

"Bye Y/n," Jungkook says leaving her house waving his hand as well as y/n.

"Bye!" Y/n says as Jungkook disappears from her sight.

Let's get ready for tomorrow.

Y/n closes the door giving that house one last glance.

To Be Continued.......

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