Chapter 21: Thanksgiving Day - Part Two: Dinner

Start from the beginning

Michael: You're tense again.

She wondered how he always knew.

Nicole: Yes... But I've realized that the more my brain tries to fight it, the longer I end up standing still. If I had told you about Andrew sooner, who knows where our relationship would be right now.

Michael: That's true, in a way... But you can't worry about things like that. I like where we are now.

Nicole: Me too, Michael.

She closed her eyes as Michael kissed her hair so softly. With a deep breath, she relaxed her tensions away in the warmth of his arms.

Michael: So, are you ready?

Nicole: Yes.

She opened her eyes to see Michael glancing down at his watch and suddenly realized they were talking about two very different things.

Michael: It's almost 5. I really want to make a good impression... Are you sure I look okay?

She turned to him, smoothing his collar as she kissed his cheek.

Nicole: You're perfect.

She grabbed his hand and they bounced down the stairs together, right on time. The table was set beautifully, like something out of a magazine with flowers, glossy plates and food on serving platters. The lights were dim as the sun was starting to set. The house felt much more intimate than it had just an hour ago.

Eric and Janice were already sitting across from each other, sipping wine. As they exchanged pleasantries, Eric filled Nicole, then Michael's glasses with chardonnay. Though he and Janice didn't make a habit of offering their not-yet 21 year-old daughter alcohol, on special occasions, wine seemed acceptable. If they had noticed that she and Laura started stealing from the liquor cabinet at barely 17, they likely would've reevaluated that rule.

Janice: Before we start, I just want to say something...

Nicole froze, holding her breath, preparing to be chastised again.

Janice: Michael... I owe you an apology for the way I spoke to you yesterday evening. I was very out of line. I've watched my daughter make a few misguided decisions in her young life and her father and I have become very protective. Maybe too protective. When I see her with a man as... exposed and experienced as yourself, I got very fearful and that was unfair to you. I-- um, I did a little research on you today, and I must admit, you seem like a very good, hardworking young man. I was very impressed! So, I sincerely apologize.

Michael was shocked. She looked him in the eye for every word and the apology felt incredibly genuine. He wasn't sure how to react so he stared blankly at her. Janice touched him very carefully on the arm.

Janice: Do you accept my apology, Michael?

Michael: Of course, yes! Thank you, Mrs. Dillard.

Janice: You're welcome. I'm glad you're here with us tonight and I hope you and I can start over.

He just nodded silently, following her eyes as she turned towards Nicole. Pale as a ghost, Nicole was already on the verge of tears. Janice reached for her daughter's hand as she felt pressure building up in her own eyes too.

It was hard being the mother to a young woman so much like yourself. Like Nicole, Janice was a loner growing up, always knowing what she wanted from her life, but never quite fitting in with her peers. Often feeling that she belonged with an older crowd, Janice grew up fast. Too fast. And when she found herself in over her head as a teenager, Janice didn't have her parents-- or anyone else-- left by her side. She spent many years feeling alone and abandoned until she met Eric. His family, especially his mother, welcomed her with open arms and no questions asked. The day Janice learned they were expecting a baby girl, she vowed to make sure her child would always feel loved the way the Dillard's loved her. The way all children should be loved. Last night, Janice realized she'd broken that promise.

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