The Discussion

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Negan: Hello there... we come in peace

Y/N: Ugh are we here dammit... Is that Freddy Kruger? It almost looks like he's about to shoot at us

Dwight: Shoot him!

Laura: What!

Negan: Think you might put that rifle away... I'm walking real slow, my hands are where you can see them, I'm not threatening in anyway

Laura: Dwight!

Dwight: I mean it, shoot him now!

Y/N: No ones gotta shoot anyone just calm down Freddy Kruger... If anything I wouldn't trust him, he shot me with an arrow in the shoulder, I was only fifteen years old at the time as well

Laura: Rick sent Michone and Aaron after him, he wants him brought back alive... They've been gone a week, Rick will want to hear their story

Negan: Been a long time Dwighty, so great to see you really

Dwight: Anyone following you two?

Y/N: Nice to see you too, Kruger

Negan: You taking good care of her?


Negan: Been walking all night and day not a soul behind us... You talking good care of her?

Dwight: It's a fucking baseball bat you lunatic... I'll take them in, you stay and keep watch with Magna

Negan grabs for Lucille in Dwight's bag

Dwight: Don't even think about it

Negan: You know I'll get her back... I've changed you'll see, you're going to fucking give her to me

Dwight: Keep walking.... What's in the bag?

Negan: Something for Rick

Y/N: Yeah, something, you know just a normal everyday gift a normal everyday person would give to someone else that's quite normal as well

Dwight: It's dripping

Y/N: (You start dying of laughter)

You walk into Ricks office

Rick: It's really her

Negan: Of course it's her... You think I'd trying to pull a fast one here

Y/N: Believe me Rick it's her, let's just say I witnessed the entire decapitation... It's her without a doubt

Andrea: Why would you come back here?

Negan: The same reason I stayed here when my cell was left open... To earn trust... I've been in your cell a long ass time, I've been the model prisoner, how can I prove my rehabilitation in there, I can't, you don't kill me, you thought there was a better way, I agree I'm fascinated by your way of doing things it's inspiring, I'm on board... What more could I do to prove that, Brandon released me he wanted to instigate a war between you and The Whisperers so you'd kill each other... I killed him and stopped that

Rick: You did no such thing, they are aware you crossed their boarder, you've put us at risk

Negan: BULLSHIT... we were a lone duo, we could have come from anywhere, your people who came after me almost blew my plan... and are what put us in danger... Had you never sent them, they'd never know we had anything to do with you

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now