The Night After

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Y/N: Now let's get the fuck out of here!

Dylan: No kidding, this place is nearly all in flames

Arnold starts up the engine twisting the key and putting the van into drive, before putting his foot on the pedal and stepping down, you let out a small sigh feeling relived, behind your seat Dylan sits against the wall, you look at him wanting to say something

Dylan: You made it after all

Y/N: Yeah, I did... I just feel like it nearly killed me

Dylan: Was this plan that hard?

Y/N: No, it's just the things I did... I'm not proud, I'll it at that

Dylan: Well, we're grateful

Y/N: Don't thank me for it...

Dylan: If you're insistence

You sigh before asking him

Y/N: Wha-- What happened in there? Like what did they really do? Was it as bad as they said?

He pauses for a moment before looking back up at you

Dylan: I didn't get the whole scoop... But they were willing to let Jacob fight that other kid of yours for some type of sick entertainment

Y/N: What the hell? What was the purpose of that?

Dylan: I don't know... Maybe they got some pleasure out of it

Y/N: Of two boys killing each other? Nope... It was because of how he looked, they were Neo Nazis after all

Dylan: Yeah, I did see them hate certain people

Y/N: The leader was fucked... He painted walls with the blood of their victims, he tried to justify it with some brain dead reasonings

Dylan: Where is he now?

Y/N: Dead I assume... At least he should be

Dylan: I didn't want things to go that way but they were sick

Y/N: I know that more than anybody...

Dylan: So this was your plan set the forest on fire

Y/N: It worked well enough as a distraction... It's not like I have to worry about Smokey the Bear anymore

Dylan: Yeah... Or any wildlife getting hurt

Y/N: At least it will melt away some of that damn snow

Dylan: Yeah, just not near Jamestown

Y/N: It's good enough... Now we can finally relax for a chang-

Arnold: I wouldn't get your hopes up too soon, we're in for a world of pain

Y/N: What does that mean?

You glance through the windshield window and see the fire slowly engulfing most of the forest away, and it's not letting up in the slightest

Y/N: We'll push through it... Just keep driving

Arnold: I don't know this looks bad

Y/N: We haven't come this far to die here, right now

Arnold: The smokes rising, it's getting harder to see out here

Y/N: Just drive, we'll get through it 

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now