The Stranger

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Clementine: Where are those guys

Violet: Practicing making out with a toothless walker 

Y/N: Sounds just like Lou

Brody: Gross

Violet: I know poor walker

Everyone laughs

Violet: What the hell

Y/N: What 

Clementine: What, this isn't normal

Violet: Someone sabotaged this, this isn't good


Y/N: Probably not a great idea to scream

Clementine: He's right we may not be the only one's out here

Violet: Spread out see if we can find them

AJ: Watchout for monsters

Y/N: Smart kid

Minutes later

Y/N: Damn there's nothing 

Clementine: Guy's over here

Violet: Well we didn't kill this one

Y/N: That's for damn sure wouldn't leave it hanging

Brody: What the hell

Clementine: Found this too….. do any of the kids smoke

Violet: Maybe Y/N

Y/N: I don't smoke tobacco or bible pages 

Louis: Who's this unlucky fella

Y/N: Looks like your mom 

Louis: Ouch

Clementine: Where have you been

Aasim: Checking nearby traps the ones that were sprung were all empty, all the rest are broken

Brody: Someone robbed us

Louis: Oh great and we're gonna starve

Brody: Fuck That's….Fuck…….Fuck…. It's just fuck… It's okay breathe Brody come on… come on come on come on

Violet: You're gonna be fine…. It's just a panic attack

Clementine: Brody You're being to loud we might not be alone


Clementine: Excuse me

Y/N: Just Relax well figure this out

AJ: Loud is bad

Y/N: Kid's right you know

Brody: I have to tell Marlon about this

Louis: Um we still need food, you know to live we definitely don't have enough here

Brody: You guys figure it out

Y/N: Don't Be surprised if we don't share it with you then

Aasim: I'll take this haul back to the school, maybe we can ration out something

Louis: So what do we do eat rocks

AJ: You can't eat rocks

Louis: I'm aware 

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now