The New Outlaw in Town

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You searched through a bunch of junk just to find some items you were looking for, and now you've think you may have got, you can't fan the hammer down with a single hand a spare would sure come in hand and you've got just the materials you may need to make one

Warren: You sure you can fix this up?

Y/N: What make a hand? Hell no but that won't stop me from trying... Worst cast scenario I just make a knife hand out duct-tape like Chucky or I could try making what Rick had

Warren: Who?

Y/N: Rick Grimes, he's a guy I meant months back... I'm somewhat friends with his son and whatnot

Warren: Can't they make you a hand?

Y/N: As I've said I don't know how to get to Alexandria or the Hilltop from here... I don't even know how to back track my way to the school you picked me up from there

Warren: Dylan would know... He always knows stuff like that

Y/N: The more reason to save him... We need him back here and the others

Warren: When can we stage our full scale assault?

Y/N: Once I'm ready, and I could shoot properly... Before I shot like a bat out of hell

Warren: Yeah... We did nearly die when we met

Y/N: The more reason I get rid of this sloppy aim we'll I can... I'm almost about as useful as a lawyer at lynching

Warren: Hah, that's a good one... It's classic man, sincerely it is

Y/N: And once this hand is finished I'll be shooting better than John Wayne

Warren: Ew, him

Y/N: What about him?

Warren: He's not really liked... I mean he's the mediocre hero in Westerns

Y/N: Well what about Eastwood?

Warren: He stars in Spegetti westerns which are known to be more gritty with an anti-hero useable being the protagonist

Y/N: Yeah... Almost just like my story

Warren: You're gonna be as well as Eastwood not the fake guy Wayne

Y/N: Thanks... This hand should be a big help, I might even be able to help out Arnold getting those medical supplies for Jamestown

Warren: If you can't get it working maybe ask someone around town

Y/N: Hm, like who... I knew I blacksmith at the Hilltop named Earl, I asked if he could make a hand for me... But I'm gonna doubt we have a blacksmith here

Warren: A blacksmith? That's badass!

Y/N: Warren, lets get to the bigger picture, who could help me make this hand?

Warren: Oh I think he was either an engineer or a mechanic, yeah something like that...

Y/N: Well which is it?

Warren: I can't remember, either way he'll make a big help I bet

Y/N: So who is he?

Warren: You're kinda linked with him

Y/N: Huh, how? I what way?

Warren: You met Amber's mother?

Y/N: Yeah, big deal, so?

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