The Bullies

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30 hours later

Y/N: Ugh what time is it noon wait last time I checked it was night how long was I out

You get and dressed and walk out your room, than outside

Y/N: Yo Omar my dude my main man

Omar: What do you want 

Y/N: What can't I just talk to my good old friend

Omar: You don't ever talk to me

Y/N: Okay can I have some food

Omar: Passed breakfast

Y/N: What about lunch

Omar: No time 

Y/N: I can't believe you do this to your friend

Omar: Don't sleep in next time

Y/N: Bite me than you fatass Apollo Creed 

You go out the base kill a couple walkers for Willy because he asked for some reason than you decapitate them, which you find oddly disturbing but go along anyways

And you get back to base

Y/N: Well that was uhh something alright

Clementine: Hey Y/N what you up to 

Y/N: Oh you know I was just servening off luker heads for a kid

Clementine: Oh okay than

Y/N: That was my reaction too

Clementine: See ya than you dork

Y/N: Yeah yeah Tangerine

You start working on fortifying the school

Louis: Hey Y/N can I talk to you

Y/N: It about defending this school

Louis: No

Y/N: Than fuck right off

Louis: I didn't mean for that to happen

Y/N: Louis leave me alone

Louis: I would have agreed with you if I had known AJ would have got hurt

Y/N: Your trying my damn patience NOW LEAVE

Louis: No you need to hear this look I was jealous of you, Sophie was falling head over heels over you, and Clem likes you, and Marlon almost died so I didn't want you to have her


Louis: Yeah I thought if she was gone you wouldn't have her and we'd be safer but than you left and you wouldn't be torn up again

Y/N: You, you voted them out because you were jealous 

Louis: I didn't want you go through what happened with Soph again and I was scared


Just than you punch Louis square in the face. He gets punched so hard he falls over the table and than back on the ground. He was knocked out cold.

Clementine: OH MY GOD 


You contemplate about beating Louis up but stop. People try to help Louis up after he busted his head on the ground.

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora