The Split Decision

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Aasim: Hey Violet we got some game out there

Violet: How are we doing on food?

Aasim: Not incisionly that bad, but not that great neither

Violet: Well that's great to hear, God when are they coming back?

Aasim: It's been over two week since they've left

Willy: GUYS!

Louis: Will my friend, do you mind keeping your tone down?


Louis: We can handle a few dead heads, no problem

Willy: There's not a few! There's hundreds!

Louis: Um... Come again?

Two figures walk out of the dorms

Violet: What the hells with all the screaming out here?

Aasim: Dammit Louis, you're both gonna alert the dead with your screaming!

Louis: Yeah, it's a bit to late for that

Aasim: What do you mean by that?

He walks up the tower and looks all around the school mortified

Aasim: Holy shit...

Violet calls up to him curious how the situation looks

Violet: Well, how bad is it Aasim!?

Aasim: We can't survive this... We gotta run

Louis: Okay I thought I was the stupid one and you were the smart one... But now I'm beginning to have seconds thoughts

Aasim: If you saw them you'd feel the same... They'll tear through this school no problem

Willy: There's a shit ton of them

Aasim: More than I've ever seen, I'd estimate a thousand at least, we can't hold this off

Violet: Shit sticks! Where should we go then... We could run and hide somewhere then wait them out

Aasim: Maybe that train station you mentioned, the one where we got the food

Violet: Me and Louis know where its at

Louis: Actually, I don't have the faintest idea where we found out

Violet: You're a better help at finding it than them stupid!

Louis: Touche Violet

Aasim climbs down the ladder

Aasim: So we have a plan for this?

Violet: We can't run with the walkers in front of the gates

Aasim: What about the exit?

Violet: It's pretty risky, remember when Marlon and Y/N fought back there? It was full of walkers then

Aasim: Well we don't have much of a choice, it's go through the back or front

Violet: It's a risk either way

Just then someone comes screaming out from the dorms

Omar: Walkers are inside!

Louis: Umm... Pardon?

Walkers come bursting out through the dorms

Violet: Shit!

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ