The Gallows

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Y/N: Don't you think this shit is beginning to get out of hand, Dylan

Dylan: I know you're right, this is getting way out of control now... I told you I didn't think Jonah was capable of leading this place anymore

Y/N: You think this guys serious about executing people over this virus

Dylan: Shit I don't know at this point

You're both sat in the kitchen in complete shock, until someone walks in

Y/N: Do ya think we could-

Taylor: Are you two alright?

Dylan: No I don't think so... We've gotta leave this place it's not safe

Taylor: Hell I could of told you that

Y/N: What happened to having an obligation to save these people?

Dylan: Y/N you've seen it for yourself, they won't listen to reason... If we try anymore there's no telling what they or Jonah will do to us

Y/N: Come on be the person I know you're... Listen to me, we make them see reason and not by persuading them

Dylan: What do you mean?

Y/N: Your way didn't work, it's time for me to try this

Dylan: Oh yeah, and what does that mean?

Y/N: They fall in line or else

Dylan: Well that doesn't seem that far off from Jonah

Y/N: We lead with an iron hammer... Not that Iron hammer, fuck... We make them listen, their way yours way gonna destroy this place Dylan... We need to show these people how to really survive, and none of that crap Jonah was saying about being strong, I mean really working in the end to save ourselves... If we don't learn how to right quick someone could come strolling through that gate and kill us all just like that, Do you want that?

Dylan: No, I don't

Y/N: Then we listen to me from here on out

Taylor gazes between you and Dylan, desperate for some answers

Dylan: What do you think Taylor?

It was easy to spot that she was caught off guard by the question but she still begins to answer despite that

Taylor: Uh, maybe we should listen to Y/N this time

Dylan: Really?

Y/N: Sometimes it's kill or be killed out there, I've been in that situation more than once

Dylan: And what happened then

Y/N: My friend died... Death is causality of war and survival, every victory also must come with it sacrifice, and that goes on either sides

Dylan: While either side must think their the good guys for a wat

Y/N: Yeah but we are the good guys

Dylan: How? We're still revolting to killing

Y/N: Because we're doing it so other people don't die... And I'm fine with that even if you aren't

Taylor: It's been decided Dylan... We don't have much other choice here

Warren: I'm with Y/N on this... I respect you Dylan and you're are my friend but so is
Y/N... We've got give him a chance this time

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now