The Days Gone Bye

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You've been working hard for two days shooting cans wasn't going to help you much longe you need a real challenge before you were a sloppy shooter at best maybe you'd hit the target maybe not, you were not Clementine or even AJ, but what could you expect from some rusty kid who was self-taught, you can't expect some cowboy of a father to teach you such a thing, it was all wisdom of the people to help guide you along the path you facing right now, with all that help you have come to greatly improve your shooting and ability and now will save the lives of many of others with this newfound strength

Y/N: It's almost time...

You look ahead at a flock of birds and aim your pistol ever so slightly towards them while they fly past

Y/N: Keep steady, their gotcha

You slam your hook down hard on the hammer shooting one, two, there even four birds while they tried to fly away

Y/N: Yes! Fuck yeah!

Moments like these sure put a smile upon your face, you were now ready for what the road ahead had in store for you, and it was time

Arnold: Hey, Y/N... Are we ready? We've got a long road ahead

Y/N: Yeah, 18 Miles Out... While let's hit it

You all get any gear you need packed in the back of the van, before saddling up and making it on the road, you sat in the back with the other two, a girl a bit older than you and a boy about a year or so older than you

Y/N: So, what are your names?

Beth: Oh hi, my name is Beth... And that's

Mason: Yeah, I go by Mason... Nice to greet you

Y/N: If you don't already know I'm Y/N

Mason: The towns new leader

Y/N: For the time being, yes... Now I want you two to know it's dangerous out here, every second we step outside these walls we risk our lives, but we have to because nobody else is willing to do what we do... I'm not trying to scare you two, I just wanted you to know, but what we're willing to do is what matters in the end... We may witness some pretty disturbing things, but we will stride and push through the ugly for the greater good and these people, or else we're no better than the ones who attacked us...

They nod towards you, they've heard what you said and will be prepared for what is next to come, at least you hope that much, you can't tell what may have stuck with them and what flew over their heads, hopefully, you don't see a lot of those ugly things you mentioned, but then again a town is different than anything else we don't know what may lay at rest inside of it

Arnold: This shouldn't take too long to get back, we're driving at about forty miles per hour, we should be there in over thirty minutes or more

Y/N: Yeah, we hope...

The van travels towards its destination while you sit in front alongside Arnold

Arnold: Say, you ever even drove a car?

Y/N: Yeah, once... Long ago

Arnold: How old were you then?

Y/N: About six years old... My grandpa had gotten a little drunk and thought it'd be fun

Arnold: Was it?

Y/N: Maybe for him... But I was shitting bricks

Arnold: You wanna try? Driving

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now