The Dream

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?: Hey sups man

You turn to see Justin 

Y/N: Sup man been awhile unusually only dream about Soph lately

Justin: You seem happier 

Y/N: What do you mean man

Justin: Your falling for the new girl aren't you wouldn't blame you man she looks hot

Y/N: Ohh shut up no I'm not

Justin: Dude you told Marlon She was pretty like 3 times and you said it to her face twice

Y/N: Okay maybe a have a small crush but can you blame me I go from having a girlfriend with me for 4 years to now cuddling with my pillow in bed.

Justin: Sounds rough man but admit it, it's more than a small crush

Y/N: She's nice but what I had with Soph was special different one in a kind you was my one and true love

Justin: Y/N it's been a year you got to move on Soph would want you too

Sophie: He's right my love you have to move on 

Y/N: Well looks like there gonna be another hole in the wall again

Sophie: Give it a chance before you give up

Y/N: Let's say I do huh and what if I lose them than what

Justin: She's a survivalist she's meant for this world hell she'd probably kick mine and your ass combined

Y/N: What about the kid than I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to him

Sophie: You've kept Tenn alive haven't you still didn't break that promise

Justin: Also your a lot stronger now since  you've been working out, hell you even look like the wolverine

Sophie: And are a lot taller and handsomer don't forget that really handsome

Y/N: Ohh you know I try

Justin: Oh brother

Y/N: How do you know she likes me

Sophie: Babe you blushed at you we used to do that all the time 

Y/N: I guess but it kinda soon don't you think  

Justin: Who care you only live one right

Y/N: Unless I count you guys invading my dreams 

Justin: Better than having those nightmares right and you know I don't blame you Y/N

Y/N: Well I do

Justin: Come on I would have done the same thing

Y/N: Than why didn't you I could have been here instead with Soph and you would have been with Brody down there

Y/N been wearing the ring sense Sophie died

Sophie: What's that 

Y/N: The ring I was going to propose to you with Justin gave me it

Sophie: You know Y/N I would have said yes

Y/N: Yeah I know… I just wish I gave it to you that night before

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now