The Deserter

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James: Is he awake

Clementine: Yeah he's so hot

Y/N: Uhh, need any help

Clementine: What so you can scream at me again

Y/N: I uhh look wasn't in a good mood I'm sor-

Clementine: Save your sorries for someone who cares

James: I can carry him you're exhausted

Y/N: (She hates me I give up)

Clementine: No I've got him

You all continue walking until you near the gate

Clementine: Hold on we're almost 

Y/N: Yeah, you'll be fine little buddy

Clementine: I don't need your help, I've got him

Y/N: I was just trying to help out Clem

Clementine: I don't need it, and don't call me Clem

Y/N: Fine, You know what, I won't ever help you again or be in your way 

Clementine: Fine, cause I don't need it

Y/N: Then next time you can save your own damn ass

Willy: Walker!


Willy: Violet, Louis they came back!

Y/N: Ya see what I did there James

James: Don't understand

Y/N: Oh you're no fun

Clementine: Look you live out there alone right, you could stay with us, come on Y/N back me up

Y/N: Oh, now you want my help, you're not gonna get it though

James: Not ready

James walk away

Clementine: What the hell Y/N I could have really used your help back there

Y/N: Oh you mean like how you had my back last night, or did you just forget you said you didn't ever want my help again

Clementine: It this what that's about 

Y/N: Sorry just thought the only person I really trusted could have had my back last night, but you like your new walker boyfriend instead, so how about we just agree to disagree 

Louis open the gate

Clementine: Look it not like that, I like hi-

Y/N: I don't care, all I want is for this kid to be okay

You start to walk inside untll you hear Clem start huffing and groaning in pain

Clementine: I can't keep carrying you

You pick up AJ as Clem drops to the ground 

Y/N: Here just relax 

You pick up AJ and were not expecting your arm too hurt so damn much

Y/N: Shit, ah fuck... ugh dammit, that hurts like a bitch

Louis: What happened 

Y/N: He was shot, and no thanks to your jackass

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now