The Berlin Wall Falls Down

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You stand in front of the two doors with a frown plastered across your face, pretty soon it should all be over after this you think

You: About time I finish off this trash

After thinking it over you grab each of the handles and pull with all over your body weight, you end up failing to the ground ok your ass as the door come wide open

You: Oh shit

You say worryingly before standing back up very quickly and looking around, you witness some stranger standing in front of the open doors

You: Friedrich? Is that you asshole?

!?: You won't see our fuhrer... Ave to fuhrer

You: Yeah... And you won't be able to see him ever again pretty soon

!?: Bold talk from some small boy

You: Just give up already... You know you're done, this place will fall like Friedrich's legacy

!?: Only you'll fall dead... We rebuild and make the Aryan race stronger than before, they'll hear our names across the land... The Fourth Reich will rise!

You: No, it's already fallen... Like the Berlin Wall

!?: Don't speak of that!

You: It's over! All of you will end up dying like dogs

!?: You don't know shit, you jew lover!

You: This life you've lived has become your downfall

!?: It'll be yours!

You: You and your people will die savagely! But in the end, you brought this upon yourselves!

!?: We're living the way of God, the way it always should be... The white way!

You: Fuck your God... He never would have wanted something like this!

!?: Then why have the dead risen? He wants us to cleanse the world of those evil people

You: Maybe you're right... Evil people like you, if it weren't for people like you then maybe the world would have never ended up this way

You move your face in front of his gazing into his eyes before then aiming the pistol right below his stomach, you grip the back of his neck tightly while holding the gun in your hand, you gaze into his terrified eyes, just before pulling the trigger multiple times, blasting bullets after bullets into his mutilated bloody torn up stomach while you're made witness as he gargles upon his own blood, the vision in his eyes begins to grey once you let him finally fall to the floor, he starts to viciously shake on the cold concrete floor whilst blood gushes from the multiple bullets wounds and velvet red liquid spurts from his mouth as he attempts to steady his breathing choking on a massive amount of blood, you stare at the bloody barrel of your pistol as the sticky red substance begins to leisurely seep from the barrel onto the ground

You: I don't enjoy killing... But when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other...

You hold that revolver tightly ready to blast away any other surprise guests in the office once you end up nearing the room, the doors stand wide open, you walk towards the room and slowly but steadily step inside, looking either direction when entering to find nothing of importance

You: Empty... It seems the fuhrer ran off

After figured out he ran away you decide to walk around and check everything out quickly, you near a desk that must belong to him, so you begin to search through what seems to be his office of the man known as Friedrich, the one Zeke and his people have spoken so highly of, he wasn't the man they had hoped for though, you find some papers and letters scattered around inside his desk, some of them are even forged

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now