The War of Attrition

145 9 7

Y/N: Christ I should have asked where I'm at... I could be in South Carolina or Washington for all I know, then again why would some kids bring me across the country

You continue trudging onward through the woods as many thoughts flood your mind

Y/N: The Whisperers should be in shambles now, they've only got Beta... Something just never seemed right about all this mess, like hell how did they get to the school, did they track us?

You pull the Beretta out of the backpack of things you have and examine the gun

Y/N: I sure miss my old 1911... Lent it to the kid and the raiders took it.. bunch of cunts, I mean I was no sharpshooter, but I managed...

You feel eyes on your back at this moment, just a real hunch something isn't right here, just then a twig snaps before you, as the situation begins to escalate you feel the adrenaline pump through your body while your senses are heightened but despite the situation, you try and remain calm

Y/N: Damn, must be a buck out there...

You continue on walking but stay weary for either a walker, animal, or worse out there

Y/N: I have to keep looking, I'll find them no matter what, even if it kills me...

You notice some weird netting on the ground but don't pay much mind to it

Y/N: The shit people leave behind...

You hear another twig snap, it can't just be a coincident you think

Y/N: Alright step out, now!

You grip the machete so tightly your knuckles turn white as the figure steps out from behind a tree

!?: Okay okay, you got me

It's the bigger boy from that community Jamestown with the funny looking hair

Y/N: Wait a minute, it was you following me

Warren: Actually, I'm Warren

Y/N: Whatever, like I care... you didn't hear anything else is what I'm saying, afro boy

Warren: What no, I don't think so, why?

From your position now you can tell that netting isn't just a normal piece of trash

Y/N: Don't fucking move!

Warren: Huh? why

Besides your warnings, he precedes to walk forward by a couple of feet

Y/N: Look out you idiot!

You try to push him out of the way but it's to no avail, a net ends up coming from the ground and you're both flung up into the air together

Y/N: Ah, fuck... you're one dumb son of a bitch, you know that!

Warren: That's what my daddy used to say a lot

Y/N: Wow, I can't imagine why

Warren: Yeah me either?

You take in a deep sigh, well your limbs are all different places in the net, and in places, you didn't want them to be

Warren: Your hands touching my-

Y/N: I know... I know, and I wish I didn't

Warren: So like I'm Warren what's your name

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now