Chapter 14

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Hitoshi's physical final exam was the only one I wrote because the other ones are exactly the same (except Iida's because Jiro is his partner but the result is the same) so yeah.

3rd POV

Hitoshi and Koda were hiding out in the forest covering their ears as Present Mic screeched. Koda could barely move from fear and anxiety. From helping Izuku through several anxiety attacks Hitoshi immediately started to calm Koda so that they could work on their task. After Koda was calm he smiled up at Hitoshi before turning to the ground and muttering, he then turned to trees and started speaking, though he only could do so while Present mic had to take breaths of air. Soon birds and squirrels, other rodents and even a few bugs started to attack and swarm the loud hero. With his attention elsewhere Hitoshi and Koda started to make their way to the exit. Soon the animals left the pro hero and teacher so the two students had to make a new plan. Hitoshi had an idea that was so stupid, it could just work. He strode up to Present mic with a smile, hands in his pockets and a relaxed expression present. Despite Koda's attempts to keep him hidden he still walked to their opponent.

"Having fun Present Mic?" Hitoshi asked with a smile

"YEEAAAAaaahhhhhh" Mic's voice trailed off as his quirk nulled while he was under Hitoshi's control. Hitoshi soon pulled out the cuffs that were given to him and slapped them around Mic's wrist winning the match.

"Congratulations!" Aizawa's voice rang out into the arena, "Hitoshi, don't release Yamada yet." Hitoshi did as he was told and stood to the side as he calmed Koda once more, Present Mic still under Hitoshi's mind control. Aizawa walked up to his incapacitated boyfriend and smacked him upside his head waking him from the blur he was trapped in. He felt the cuffs before he saw them and gave Aizawa a small chuckle as the dark and tired teacher rolled his eyes before uncuffing the loud hero.

- after the exams -

Izuku was still avoiding Hitoshi. It was coming up to a week of them not talking and Hitoshi hated that. Several times he tried to pull Izuku to the side and have a conversation with him but Izuku just kept avoiding him. The others in their friend group noticed the sudden rift between them and tried to help, or at least get Izuku to talk to Hitoshi but nothing was working.

"What are we going to do?" Asked Uraraka. She hated seeing that the two weren't talking and really wanted them to be back to BFFs

"We should just wait for them to talk." Todoroki added

"Yeah, Kero, what Shinsou said was very rude and insensitive." Asui added

"Yeah..." Uraraka conceded

"Uraraka is right though, we should get them on good terms again." Iida added

"Guys, we just need to give them time, especially Izuku." Todoroki pushed

"Kero, Why do you say that?" Asui asked

"I found Izuku after their fight and we talked about it as well as other stuff and what Shinsou said really hurt Izuku, more than accidental, or purposeful misgendering. Izuku was mad and upset and Shinsou didn't understand why, and Izuku couldn't explain, because of that there were a lot of misunderstandings." Todoroki explained

"Why did it hurt Midoriya so much?" Iida asked

"Well, in society today women can't cannot really show that they are upset, mad or emotional without men asking if they are menstruating and, from what my sister has told me, it is infuriating. What hurt Izuku was that Shinsou mentioned that. Izuku is trans and he hates when he is menstruating. He told him it makes his dysphoria worse with the pain added on." Todoroki continued. The others were completely silent just listening to what their friend had to say

Let me be me - BNHA AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora