Chapter 12

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Izuku POV - day 3 of the internship

I crashed to the ground and a whine of pain slipped from my lips. Gran Torino laughed at me a little as I stood.

"You really aren't giving me a chance." I groaned. I straightened but almost immediately doubled over from my cramps. Gran Torino watched me with curiosity before the idea seemed to pop into his mind and his face reddened slightly.

"Oh..." he muttered.

"Umm..." I started but nothing else seemed to be able to escape

"You need anything from the store? Essentials or pain meds?" Gran Torino suddenly asked.

"Huh? Oh! Um... Pain meds would be great." I confessed.

"Anything else?" He asked as he moved to the door

"Sweets and chocolates?" I muttered. He nodded then walked out. I simply stood there awkwardly.

Gran Torino and I were training once more, I found it much better after I took some pain meds. I felt the air whizz beside me as he fired past. I was having way too much trouble trying to follow and plan what he was going to do next. Pain blossomed on my arm as he crashed into it before jetting off once more. I grunted as I spun around trying to pinpoint where he was or where he was going to be but I just couldn't get his pattern if he had one at all. He crashed through my legs wiping me out and I lay on the ground in defeat.

"I give in, you win." I gasped for breath

"Very well." He sighed. When I finally stood I grabbed an apple and was eating as I spoke between bites

"When are we going to go on patrol?" I asked

"Not until later. We're going to Shibuya to patrol, we're going by train so it's going to be a late patrol." He explained. I nodded as I finished the apple and reached for another, tossing the core into the rubbish bin.

The train was full of people who were going about their lives. Gran Torino and I were sitting in silence. Suddenly there was more energy and noise in the train, I stood curious as to what the noise was about but a hero burst into the train being attacked by a nomu. Gran Torino reacted immediately, jetting to the unexpected guests and kicked the Nomu out.

"Don't follow, stay on the train." He yelled back to me. 'Sorry, Gran Torino. I can't just ignore the fire and fighting going on down there.'


I raced through the streets, the electric feeling of One for All coursing through my body. I was about to head for the roof but I heard some yelling and recognised Iida's voice. I quickly changed my course and I soon found Iida as well as another hero and the hero killer Stain. I kicked the self-proclaimed vigilante away from Iida. I secretly pulled out my phone and sent out my location to the class. I could hear Iida telling me to leave but I couldn't, not with him and the hero unable to defend themselves. Stain started saying how what he was doing was right and other such things but I quickly started to ignore his voice. When he moved and lunged at me I reacted as well, speeding towards him. I saw him pull his arm back, I assume to grab a weapon to slash me with so I dropped down and slid under him, quickly standing, I threw a punch that was aimed at the back of his head but he dodged and my fist flew over his head. A dagger sliced my wrist and some blood dripped down his arm. I jumped away and watched him with caution. He smiled at me then licked his blade and arm, I felt my body get heavy and lock up. 'His quirk must be some kind of paralysis quirk.' I thought to myself and I kept trying and begging my body to move, begging my body to obey. All I could do was watch as he neared Iida, blade ready to slice into his body and send him off this mortal coil.

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