Chapter 5

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Shinsou POV

It's only a few more days until we get the results about the entrance exam to UA and neither Izu and I can't wait. I was sitting next to Izu while we were watching random videos and vines on my phone, the room pitch black apart from the light of my phone. We were up at an ungodly hour but neither of us were really bothered and we were just enjoying our time, waiting on the edge of our seats for the results. We were halfway through a sander sides video when I felt something land on my shoulder. I looked over and saw that Izu had fallen asleep. I quietly turned off his phone, lifted Izu's head and lay him down, laying down next to him. As I shut my eyes to go to sleep I felt Izu snuggle up to me. I turned to him and hugged him close. As I started to fall asleep I lightly kissed his forehead as I drifted into a dream.

- -

I woke up to find that Izu was gone from my hold, I could hear arguing outside the room. I sat up and looked around to try to find Izu, which I did, very easily. He was on the side of his bed, curled in a ball, flinching every time his name was mentioned or the volume rose."Izu?" I mumbled out in my sleepy voice. He looked up to me in shock for a moment, tears staining his, adorable, freckled cheeks. I slide down so I was next to him and I held his hand. I started to rub my thumb against the back of his hand reassuringly. "Our child is not a boy!" I could hear Izu's father yelled. I couldn't exactly hear what Inko said in response as her voice was much quieter. "We had a girl! Not a boy! You keep promoting bad behaviour by letting her think that she is a boy! She is a girl! She should have come with me instead of staying with you and becoming some freak!"

I could feel Izu starting to shake so I pulled him close and into a tight hug and I let him cry. I continued to keep Izu calm while his parents argue. Every time I heard Hisashi misgender Izu or call him by his dead name I wanted to storm out and give him a piece of my mind... as well as a black eye. I managed to sooth Izu into a nap, even while they argued, his head on my shoulder again and he was snoring peacefully. I almost ran out of the room when I heard Inko mention that Hisashi was cheating on her. Inko had become like a second mother to me so hearing what Hisashi was doing that to her and treating her trust like it was nothing I wanted to run out and beat his ass for all the pain he had been causing both Izu and Inko. I was stopped only by the fact that Izu was asleep on my shoulder. "I want a divorce!' was the only thing I heard from Inko after she was verbally assaulted by Hisashi for about a minute after she confronted him about his infidelity. The door slamming woke Izu up. He yawned a little before he got up and opened the door and stuck his head out. I could hear him talking to his mum for a moment. I walked up behind him and rested my head on top of his. "Hello, Hitoshi, I hope we didn't wake you!" she smiled but I could see the light tear trails still on her face and the light tint of red.

"No, you didn't. What's for breakfast?" I thought she would want a change of subject since she clearly wasn't going to talk about what happened with Hisashi. She smiled sweetly at me and got up and headed for the kitchen and started to make pancakes. Izu and I walked over to her and joined her, helping to make three, four-tiered piles. We ate while talking and joking, partially hoping it would lift the mood from what was happening only 10 minutes earlier. After we finished eating I insisted on helping Inko clean and Izu went to his room, probably working on his hero notebooks. While clean I mentioned that I heard some of the argument and that if she needed she could talk to my mum, even just to talk to her and get thoughts out of her mind. She smiled at me for a moment then pulled me into a hug. When she pulled away I could see a tear in her cheek and panicked a little thinking that I crossed a boundary but she reassured me that I didn't. After we finally put the dishes away I wandered back to Izu's room and was shocked by what I saw. Izu was curled up in his little desk chair and seemed to be hyperventilating. I ran over quickly and pulled him into a hug, he latched on immediately. "Hey, it's ok, It's ok." I immediately started muttering in his ear. I started to calm him down. "Hey, what happened?" I asked once he was calm enough.

"My parents arguing made me start having a panic attack but you calmed me down," he started, "but I suddenly started thinking about it and I started to have a panic attack and-" he started sobbing again before he could start rambling. I hugged him tight again and let him cry into my shoulder. I quickly noticed that he started to scratch at his collar bone harshly. I grabbed his hand and kissed it lightly. "Stop, you'll make yourself bleed," I said softly. He froze for a moment. I picked him up and lay him on his bed and grabbed the binder that was just to the side, made sure it was clean then handed it to him. He smiled at me for a moment then I turned away to give him some privacy.

Izuku POV

'Hito kissed my hand! Why is he so sweet? He kissed my head last night as well... what does all this mean! Does he like me? Is this just the way he is?' my mind raced as I pulled the binder on, as soon as I did I felt better. I looked at Hito's back for a moment. 'Why do I care? He's just my friend... I don't like him, do I? He's my only friend... I would hate to ruin that.' I pull my shirt back on then clear my throat letting him know that I had finished. He turned to me and smiled. 'Got that smile... a hint of creepy in all that cute.' I smiled a little, I'm just glad he thought I was just smiling back.

- -

Timeskip - the day they get their results

I was sitting in the living room, watching TV when mum came rushing back in and help up an envelope for me. "Izuku! It's here!" she exclaimed. I jumped up and grabbed it, told my mum that I was headed to Hito's then I ran out. When I got to Hito's place he was in the doorway and caught me when I ran into him. He helped me back up and we ran to his room, not before I greeted his parents of course. We shut the door and tore open the envelopes, two metal disks dropped to the floor. At the same time, a hologram of All Might appeared. He spoke a little before he announced whether or not we got in. Before he told me he showed a clip of the nice girl talking to the teachers about giving points to me but it was not allowed. When he mentioned the rescue points Hito nudged me a little. The time came for us to hear where we have been placed. "So, Midoriya Izuku, though you got zero villain point, you got 60 hero points. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU MADE IT TO UA!"

"Shinsou Hitoshi, you got three villain points and 50 rescue points. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU MADE IT TO UA!"

Our holograms bellowed at the same time. We hugged each other in excitement and joy before we realised that it did not say what class we are in. when I mentioned this to Hito he immediately looked at the envelopes and found letters in them. It told us our classes and timetables as well as where to get the forms we need to fill before we go to UA. when Hito and I saw that we were both going to be in class 1A we were ecstatic and almost screamed. After we calmed down enough I called my mum and told her the news then Hito and I got to work finding and printing all the forms that we need. While going through the forms there was one that mentioned hero outfits that I was about to fill it when mum brought in a handmade one, though I still filled in the form just in case. I noticed that a lot of the forms mentioned my sex as female so I wrote a message explaining my situation to the school and specifically asked for a male uniform. Hito and I spent the next few days and nights at either one of our houses, never apart because we knew that without the other we would not get any sleep at all. Finally the night before our first day of school I was at Hito's place and we were finally falling asleep at around 11 at night because we were just too excited, I was in Hito's bead and we were snuggled close as we found that we fell asleep faster like this.

I can't wait for tomorrow. 



I kinda hate this chapter but oh well. I hope you liked it.

- BiBi

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