Chapter 22

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TW: Fighting, mentions of bullying and transphobia

The class was back from the provisional exam, Katsuki was silent, in a corner glaring at nothing in particular, Shoto was on the sofa with Izuku, cuddling him from behind as he and Hitoshi argued.
"Hitoshi you can't just do that!" Izuku yelled

"Well, what else did you want me to do, coax the 'kid' out from under the unstable structure little by little? The thing was falling down."

"You could have grabbed him after you let him go, apologies then return him to his parents." Izuku offered

"I wasn't about to run into a falling building for an actor."

"What if it was a real kid? A real situation?"

"I still would have used my quirk."

"Hito, you want the public to trust you."

"Why? I'm planning to be an underground hero anyway."

"So when you need help from a civilian you're just always going to use your quirk?"

"No, I'd talk to them."

"But if you use your quirk like you are right now people aren't going to trust you, if you talk things out with people, use the capture weapon or even hand-to-hand people will probably trust you more."

"Ok, ok. I see your point. It's just that we were in a tight spot, my abilities with the capture weapon aren't the best and I was worried I would do more damage, and I didn't think I had time to run in."

"I get that, it's just that afterwards you just kept using your quirk."

"I know. I'm-"

"Don't apologise, you don't have to." Izuku smiled. Hitoshi smiled back quickly. Shoto groaned slightly and tightened his hug around Izuku causing the greenette to giggle at the action. A paper ball suddenly smacked Izuku in the face, Izuku flinched from the impact but caught the piece of paper.

"Get a fucking room." Katsuki growled

"Why don't you just leave, no one else minds." Shoto shot back. Katsuki grunted, rolled his shoulder then left the room. Izuku looked down at the paper and saw that there was some writing, he pocketed the piece of paper.

"Sho, you know I love cuddles but why are you being so clingy?"

"Because I failed the exam..."

"You want me to make you feel better with cuddles?" Izuku asked, giggling at how adorable Shoto was being. Shoto simply nodded against Izuku's back as Hitoshi ground his teeth slightly.

"I'm heading up, it's getting late." Hitoshi stated before heading out. Half an hour later most people were heading back to their rooms, Izuku being one of them. Once Izuku was in his room he pulled out the note that Katsuki literally threw at his head.

["Meet me outside after lights out. It's about your quirk]

--Small timeskip--

"Katsuki? What are we doing here? We shouldn't even be out." Izuku said, trying to defuse the situation.

"Ground beta. The place we had our first combat training and I lost to you." Katsuki started and Izuku internally groaned, "I always found it weird. You of all people, quirkless and useless, somehow managed to get into UA. somehow managed to manifest a quirk. A weird guy like you saying stuff that made no sense, and with a satisfied face you kept on climbing up, higher and higher. Ever since that day with the sludge villain, no, sinceAll Might came to the city... you kept improving. And now, the provisional license. You passed, and I failed. What does this mean, huh?"

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