Chapter 25

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TW: Mentions of past abuse, mentions of transphobia.

Hitoshi stared blankly at the board. He started tapping his pen against his desk. The rest of the class were working on a worksheet that they were given to finish in the period. Hitoshi's gaze slipped to the third window seat and stared at the empty desk. Izuku had been missing from class for almost a week. By now the whole school knew about Kai Chisaki's arrest and the role that their classmates had, but that didn't explain the fact that Izuku was missing from school. Hitoshi had gotten a sudden call one day, Izuku had called him crying, asking for comfort and support. Sir Nighteye had died. Hitoshi wasn't fully aware of the hero, though he knew that Izuku was working with him. Hitoshi talked with Izuku, helped him feel comfortable crying and let all his feelings out. The call ended suddenly and that was the last that Hitoshi had heard from Izuku. Concern was present in his heart throughout the days that Izuku was gone and the lack of information from teachers wasn't helping at all. 'Did Izu get injured? Is that why he isn't in class? Why isn't Aizawa telling us anything? Mum seems to know what is happening with Izu but she isn't telling me? Is it bad?' Hitoshi's mind spiralled and concocted more and more alarming scenarios.

"Free period is over." Aizawa tiredly called out to the class. Hitoshi trudged after the rest of the Deku-squad to lunch and almost numbly got his food. The chatter and noise of the cafeteria and the squad were almost like white noise to Hitoshi as he ate his food, with as much enthusiasm as when he had to clean up the cat's litter.

"I hope Deku comes back soon." Uraraka muttered to Tsuyu. Hitoshi perked up at the mention of his friend.

"He will soon, don't remember what the doctors and Sensei said?" Tsuyu said back

"Wait, what? Doctors?" Hitoshi asked as the two girls looked at him.

"Yeah, Izuku had surgery. Weren't you told?" Uraraka asked

"No..." Hitoshi muttered, "why did he have surgery? What surgery?"

Izuku groaned slightly as he shifted in the bed as his back ached with stiffness. Izuku looked down at the desk that was before him holding up his school work and homework. Catching up on school work while recovering from surgery was much harder than Izuku had thought.

"Are you ok Mr Deku?" a sweet voice asked from the end of the bed.

"I'm ok Eri, just a little stiff." Izuku smiled at the small grey-haired girl. Izuku couldn't help but smile and the flutter that he felt when Eri called him Mr Deku, it made him feel so... so happy, so seen.

"Is this right?" Eri asked as she brought over a piece of paper. Izuku looked down at the sheet and saw scribbles that he could identify as Hiragana characters. Izuku started to go through them before turning to Eri.

"These are much better! Can I give some corrections?" Izuku asked as he held up the green pen that Eri had given him, he didn't know where she got it from and he wasn't going to ask. Eri gave him an excited nod as she climbed into the bed and sat next to him. Izuku smiled as he worked to show Eri the corrections she needed as she watched with analytical and curious eyes. As soon as Izuku was done Eri took the paper and held it up to her face, studying it closer. Izuku chuckled, petting the hair on her back a little before looking back at his schoolwork.

Izuku was mostly up to date, he would be getting notes of today's class from Aizawa soon, which he was anxious about, he was behind a couple days and wasn't entirely looking forward to more work...

"Mr Deku?" Eri asked as she pulled at Izuku's sleeve a little

"Yes?" Izuku asked as he looked over to the young girl

"Can you do something with my hair? It's annoying..." She timidly asked. Izuku smiled before nodding. He pushed the table away from him and patted the bed before him for her to sit. She almost scrambled to get to the spot happy that she wasn't being dismissed. Izuku ran his fingers through her hair, untangling the loose knots or curls before starting to braid Eri's hair.

It was strange at first, waking up in the hospital, but he was getting used to it, especially after the number of times that he had awoken in Recovery Girl's office. Izuku's mind started to drift to the past. How his father made him learn everything about being a girl. Made him watch princess movies, made him wear dresses and skirts, forbidding trousers or even shorts. Getting Yoko hair products like curlers or straighteners or makeup. Monitoring all the things that he watched on youtube or otherwise, making sure it was 'traditional' and 'appropriate'. Which meant Izuku was barred from watching Heroes for about a year or so. How his father would yell, scream, demand and... hurt... Izuku and his mother for... any reason. He didn't like the food? Tears and burning cheeks. He was mad about sports? Bloody noses and impact headaches. Izuku wore trousers? Torn clothes and the dark cold closet.

Only when a police officer came because of noise complaints and even the school counsellor going to them about the things that Izuku had told her did Hisashi stop. He was made to stop drinking, random check-ins would be done and he was made to go to anger management classes.

Izuku tied Eri's hair, finishing the french braid, before lightly wrapping himself around her and hugging her close to him.

"Mr Deku? Are you ok?" Eri asked as she tried to turn to Izuku.

"I'm... ok, I'm just thinking about something sad and need a hug," Izuku explained into her shoulder and he held her close. She nodded in understanding which pained Izuku, knowing she could not only understand his pain but had felt worse. She moved in his grip and Izuku released her, worried she didn't want to be with him before he felt her delicate arms wrap around his neck. Izuku smiled into her shoulder once more he let out a shuddering breath and a couple of tears fell.

"Thank you, Eri." He smiled as they pulled apart. Eri smiled at him and sat beside him.

"You saved me, I wanna save you." She smiled at him. Izuku was about to speak when the door suddenly opened, a concerned Hitoshi stood in the doorway, staring at Izuku with slight anger.

"You got top surgery, and you didn't tell me!" he almost screamed. Eri flinched, staring at the unfamiliar male in shock and fear.

"Hitoshi!" Izuku smiled as he looked at his friend though his attention was quickly moved back to the frightened girl. "Eri, don't worry, he's ok, he's my friend." Izuku soothed as he held his hands out to Eri. Eri slowly nodded, gripping one of his hands.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, I thought I asked Aizawa to tell you." Izuku muttered

"Well he didn't, I've been so worried about what could have happened to you." Hitoshi fretted as he walked over to Izuku's hospital bed.

"He probably forgot, we can't blame him." Izuku smiled as he pulled Hitoshi to sit on the bed.

"Congratulations Izuku! You got such a weight off your chest." Hitoshi smiled. Izuku snorted at the joke that Hitoshi had just made to him before hugging the lilac haired boy.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. How'd it feel?"

"So good! I literally cried, I was so happy." Izuku explained with an elated look on his face. Hitoshi smiled watching Izuku hug himself in happiness rather than disgust.

"What's top surgery?" the small voice asked. Izuku looked over to Eri again.

"It's the surgery I got."
"Why did you need it?"

"I needed it because I had something that made me sad, really sad."

"So what happened?"

"I had the things removed. The doctors took it off."

"Are you happier now?"

"Much happier!" Izuku smiled at her. She giggled at his enthusiasm and started to celebrate with him, even if she didn't fully understand.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I am so sorry it took me so long. I had exams and assignments but I also had a really shitty time with my mental health and had a really bad writing block but I've come back, kind of.

I am so sorry for the wait but I hope you really enjoyed the chapter!

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