Chapter 23

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3rd POV

TW: Anxiety attack

Izuku groaned as he flopped onto his bed, training with Miri was painful, not just because of the punch, well that plus the catch up work he had to do. Shoto was kind enough to lend his notebook so Izuku wouldn't be too far behind but it was still confusing. Izuku took a deep breath but whined when his chest groaned and ached in pain. Izuku reciprocated the groan before moving to get changed out of his binder and into baggy clothes.


Katsuki snapped his notebook shut, he sighed and leaned back before getting up to return the notebook he borrowed, technically stole, from Izuku. Katsuki strode down the hall and soon got to the door he was looking for and slammed his fist on the door several times. After a few moments of silence, Katsuki moved to open the door. Katsuki looked into the room and was shocked by the vision of Izuku curled on the ground, hoodie wrapping his entire body, crying.

"Deku? Shit, are you ok?" Katsuki found himself asking. Izuku jumped at the unexpected voice and looked up at the blonde.

"Katsuki? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked, perplexed to see the blonde in his room.

"I came to return your notebook." Katsuki grumbled, slightly uncomfortable with the situation.

"So that's where it went," Izuku muttered before taking the book from Katsuki, "thanks, umm... I'll see you later."

"What? Just like that?"

"What do you mean? You usually make fun of me, saying I'm a crybaby and stuff." Izuku said, staring at the blonde, sniffles making his body shake. Katsuki scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I did that, didn't I... but, that was the old me, I want to help. Talk to me." Izuku blinked at Katsuki in confusion for a moment

"What?" Izuku asked into the air, Katsuki stayed silent for a moment before Izuku let out a small chuckle.

"It's ok, really. I texted Hitoshi, he should be here soon."
"It's the middle of the night. I don't think he's awake."

"He is, he said he's on the way. He's taking a while because he was training with Aizawa."

"What the fuck? How are you and brainfuck getting special treatment?"

Izuku shrugged, "I don't know"

"Wait, no, I'm getting mad at the wrong thing. Why are you crying?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"And brainfuck would?"

"Well, yeah, I've talked about this stuff with him for years." Izuku muttered, his breath evening a little. Katsuki looked as though he was going to argue but stopped

"Yeah, but if you talk to me I'll start to understand." Izuku stared at the blonde for a moment.

"Who are you and what have you done to the Katsuki I know?" Izuku asked. Katsuki growled and was about to yell but he stopped himself.

"Deku, I'm trying to change, I know I messed up. Plus it's late, I'm really tired." Katsuki explained with a groan. Izuku laughed before he pulled himself onto the bed and patted the place next to him.

"Come on, sit." Izuku said, whipping his tears away, his sniffles stopping though a few tears still fell. Katsuki nodded and sat next to Izuku. He stayed silent, unsure of what to say.

"Ok... umm... oh, Katsuki, remember when we were younger? When we were inseparable and did absolutely everything together." Izuku started. Katsuki nodded, though a guilty look was obvious when the past was mentioned.

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