Chapter 24

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TW: abuse, flashbacks, misgendering, deadnaming, Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)

Izuku groaned lightly as he and Mirio walked through the city, clad in their hero costumes and on patrol. "I almost blew it..." Izuku groaned again

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, you didn't blow it, you're on patrol with me right now!" Mirio smiled, trying to cheer up Izuku

"I almost blew it, keyword being almost." Izuku whined. Mirio chuckled before smiling at Izuku

"You're kinda like Tamaki, you worry and overthink way too much."

"I can't help it..." Izuku smiled at Mirio. Suddenly he felt a weight crash against his leg and Izuku looked down to see a young girl.

"I-I'm sorry!" she yelped

"It's ok, it didn't hurt me. Are you ok?" Izuku immediately asked, crouching down and checking on the girl.

"I'm ok..." She muttered. Izuku saw the bandages that covered her, he saw the way she was shaking and he heard how her voice shook and stuttered.

"Are you sure you're ok? You aren't hurt?" Izuku tried again, he held his hand out to her, his palm up and inviting. The girl cautiously took his outstretched hand and Izuku fully took in her appearance. She was barely taller than him crouched down, she had a white, sheet-like dress, platinum hair, ruby eyes and a small horn that decorated her head.

"I-I..." Her words caught in her throat as she seemed to contemplate her own well being. Izuku simply sat and waited for her to respond, smiling lightly to be as calming as possible. Mirio was watching Izuku in curious awe, confused with how well Izuku was getting along with the young girl.

"Now, now, you really shouldn't be causing trouble for heroes." A soothing yet sinister voice called from the alleyway behind the small girl. Izuku looked up to see the criminal that Sir Nighteye had warned them about earlier that day. Kai Chisaki otherwise known as Overhaul, and disbelief flooded Izuku's mind. Mirio immediately moved to cover for Izuku's slack-jawed expression by knocking the hood mask over Izuku's face and starting a light conversation with the intimidating male. The girl started to clutch onto Izuku's hand as Mirio continued to talk with the man about their hero work, as Izuku's mind started to betray him and remind him of pain. Izuku shook his head hoping to get rid of the memory as he found himself instinctively hugging the girl close.

"Don't-don't go!" the young girl quietly pleaded, a chill ran down Izuku's spine from the fear in her voice and just how tight she held onto him as well. "Don't go! Please!" the memory of the desperate cries of Izuku's past danced through his head. Izuku shook his head again, willing the memories to leave.

"I-I'm sorry sir but your daughter seems scared." Izuku managed to push out through his closing throat

"That's because she just got a scolding." He immediately responded, voice deadpan and cold. Any other words said by either Mirio or the man turned into mumbled confusion in Izuku's mind

~~"This is what you get!" he yelled as another slap resonated through the room and burning pain exploded across his face, "this is your punishment, scolding doesn't work for you! You like a cow, you need to be hit to learn a lesson!" he screamed again as another strike hit.~~

Izuku shook his head again, his body started to shake from the memory.

"For a young girl to be trembling this much, without making much noise and how small she is trying to make herself..." Mirio looked to me with worry and confusion, "what exactly are you doing to this girl?" Izuku finished.

"Wow, heroes sure do notice all the small details." the villain seemed to joke.

"We're just cautious sir!" Mirio chirped at the man, a worried glance was thrown to Izuku.

"Very well, you can walk with me if you want." Overhaul seemed to concede. He turned and walked into the dark of the alley. Izuku lightly picked up the shaking girl, rubbing her back hoping to calm her. Mirio and Izuku walked side by side. Izuku's mind was still being pulled to his past, sensations of pain or whispers of anger and disgust crept on him again and again.

~~Sobs rang through the room, the sound of glass shattering cut through the room. "Shut the fuck up!" The drunk man yelled from in front of the couch. The small child bit their lip, silent tears poured down their cheek as they patched up the cut their mother had gotten from their father. "Are you ok mummy?" the child quietly asked.

"I'm ok sweetheart, thank you for healing me." the mother smiled, she lightly caressed the small child's face, being extra careful of the bruise that discoloured their freckled cheek. The child smiled at the touch and slightly leaned into it.~~

Izuku was brought back to the present by the girl pushing out of his hold and running back to the man.

"Done with your tantrum already?" He coldly asked.

~~"Another fucking tantrum. Shut the hell up! I'm not gonna give you food if you keep crying like that!" He screamed at the silently crying child. The child was clutching their recently burned arm, a 'gift' from an old friend, and was rubbing their cheek that had just gotten backhanded by their father. "I-I'm hungry... I couldn't eat at school." the child muttered

"And? How is that my concern? You had your lunch, why didn't you eat it?"

"K-Kacchan and his friends stole my food." the child confessed. A sinister drunk laugh resonated from the child's father.

"Makes sense. A slut like you shouldn't eat food because you're so weak." the man leaned down to the child, moving to dump the rest of his drink over the child.

"Hisashi!" The child's mother called out.

"What is it you bitch!" He screamed back. Then the yelling started. The arguing, the hate, the noise. ~~

"Deku, Deku!" Mirio called as he lightly shook Izuku. Izuku blinked, his face felt wet and his head felt light.

"What?" he mumbled

"Are you ok? You seem really out of it." Mirio fretted.

"What happened to the girl?" Izuku immediately asked. Mirio watched the smaller boy for a moment in concern before answering.

"She ran back to the man then they both walked away. Are you sure you're ok?" Mirio pushed.

"I'm... I'm fine. Let's go back and tell Sir what happened." Izuku sighed as he pulled his hood down and wiped the tears off his face.


I am very sorry about how long that took. I still won't be able to post very often because I am still in school and still barreling towards my end of year exams. I just wanted to post this chapter as I have written it, as a way to procrastinate. 

I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you keep reading. Thank you so much for being patient with me. 


Holy shit! Wtf! So many reads!

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Holy shit! Wtf! So many reads!

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