Chapter 11

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There will be a lot of time skips and POV changes in this chapter- just letting y'all know

3rd POV

Aizawa-sensei announced that the student's had to choose code names. The room erupted with sound, which was quickly silenced. He soon explained the reason why then he showed the number of requests for internships per person. He explained things more before Midnight stepped in saying that she was going to be the one 'ok'ing the names. As more and more people went Izuku's mind searched and searched for a possible hero name but he simply kept coming up blank. He looked over to Hitoshi and saw that he was also having a hard time choosing a name when suddenly an idea came to him. When he was called he stood at the front of the class and presented his name. 'Deku'

Many people were confused but after he explained his choice he sat down once more. Hitoshi was still struggling to find a code name when Izuku whispered something to him. He didn't completely like it but it did give him an idea. After he wrote his code name and went to the front he presented what he had written on his board. 'Mindwipe'

Midnight seemed to like the name and the rest of the class carried on choosing their future hero names.

(Time skip - too lazy to write all the stuff)

Izuku and Hitoshi were making their way to the train station as they talked, mostly saying how much they would miss each other for the week and that they would keep in contact the whole time. When they finally arrived, Uraraka and Iida soon joined their conversations and promises to keep in contact. Izuku paid extra attention to Iida, knowing what happened to his brother and how that probably affected him, Izuku just had a feeling that Iida was going to do something he might regret.

Soon enough the rest of their class arrived and they started to make their way to their destinations. When Izuku's train arrived he waved goodbye to his friends and sat excitedly to meet All Might's past teacher.

Hitoshi - day 1

I was staring at the ceiling wondering how long I was awake for, what time it was and what I would have to do today. My mind also wandered to Izu and I started to consider texting him but I was stopped when Aizawa-sensei burst into the room.

"Wake up kid! Time to- oh you're awake. Good, change into workout clothes. We're training." He grinned and I slowly got out of bed, feeling like a zombie.

I groaned as I stood once more.

"You need to work on your hand to hand combat. You can't rely on your quirk. For example, during the sports festival, you could have done more against Bakugo if you knew how to fight." Aizawa-sensei explained as he stretched his arms once again. Aizawa-sensei started to teach me moves and stances to help me fight. After a few hours of that, we took a break.

"Hey, kid. Do you have trouble sleeping at night?" Aizawa-sensei suddenly asked

"Y-yeah," I confessed.

"Me too. We're going to do a short night patrol. That normally helps me get to sleep. Hizashi may hate me getting back so late, and he might be angrier that I brought you with me but fuck it." He muttered as he retrieved then handed me a water bottle. I took a massive drink from it and sighed in relief as I felt the cool water hydrate my almost completely dry mouth.

"Lunch!" Present Mic called from the kitchen and Aizawa-sensei and I made our way to him.

Eraserhead and I walked through the dark streets that were only lit by the shops and buildings around us. We quickly moved to alleyways and darker streets as according to Eraserhead that is where a lot of crime happens as there is less light, meaning it would be more difficult to identify the attacker, and there are little to no witnesses. We walked in comfortable silence for some time until someone dropped down in front of us, I immediately took up a fighting stance but Eraserhead was calm so I calmed as well.

Let me be me - BNHA AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora