Chapter 34

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The Head Butler and the Head Maid minus the Princess' Lady-in-Waiting were present on Princess Lucresia's Study Room and there looked very anxious because there are royal knights were gathering outside and also beside the Royal Princess. The azure haired princess sighed, "I summon the two of you here because I wanted to confirm everything what is happening in my palace behind my back ever since Countess Louvie took over the administrative duties in the Crystal Palace from Lady Regina. I'm sure that you guys will cooperate with this." She grab a sheet of paper and Lucresia revealed it to their nervous faces, "Someone just tip me the exact location where the Countess abuses the novice maids without my knowledge and you all are aware that this is prohibited under the Imperial Law so tell me everything what is going on." The Princess said in a cold tone that shivers both the Head Butler and the Head Maid and they both agree with one another that they will expose the abusement of the Countess towards her position given by the First Princess who was good to them despite of her cold exterior.

The Head Butler stepped forward and Princess Lucresia was staring at him intently. "Your Highness, this is actually happened...." he began to narrate everything what is going on and it angers the Princess a lot because she's been betrayed like this but she already expected this coming from the infamous sadistic Countess.

Then, the long time head maid confesses to the Princess that she was been ordered by the Countess to poison the Princess much to Lucresia's shock and disgusted at the same time, 'That crazy bitch was so desperate to kill me?!" The Princess thought angrily while the images of both Duke Jenna and her soon to be husband were on her head but it hesitates her when it comes to Allendis as he was the one who, surprisingly, aided her against her new Lady-in-Waiting who was a psycho after all.

After hearing both the Head Maid and the Head Butler's statement, she dismisses them leaving only the four loyal knights who are waiting for her royal orders. The Princess lean against the chair and sighed, "My wedding will be almost a month and I'm getting so stressed about a certain crazy Lady-in-Waiting who wanted to kill me." She mumbles in front of the confused knights.

"Your Highness, What shall we do about the Countess?" One of the knights asked in a calm manner.

Princess Lucresia looked at them, "Arrest her and make sure to find those maids she abducted because I wanted their testimony against Countess Louvie in front of His Majesty, the Emperor. Please make it quick as possible because she might be hiding somewhere." Lucresia instructed the four imperial knights and they comply to the First Princess' royal command.

As the four imperial knights left her imperial office, Lucresia's gloomy expression exposed as she stared at the confidential file that was given to her by Allendis, "Why...Why is he helping me? Is he plotting something again?" She muttered to herself as her facial expression were filled with doubts over the Duke of Verita.

But one thing's for sure after their encounter earlier, Lucresia was convinced that Duke Allendis de Verita's serious expression when he declares his true feelings towards her were true but it doesn't erase her hatred against him.

But for now, she will slide her negative feelings towards her future husband and focused on destroying that noblewoman's high status in the Aristocrat Society and Countess Louvie will pay a hundred fold on trying to assassinate her.


The next few weeks, the sadistic Countess was arrested and was presented to the Emperor. She confessed that she was been abusing novice maids of her own mansion and as well the Crystal Palace and her plot to poison the first princess and in front of the nobles, she begged for the Emperor's mercy but to her bad luck, the Emperor didn't side with her and with that, Countess Louvie's aristocrat status was stripped off and was thrown in jail after the royal investigators present their valid evidence against the cruel Countess.

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