Chapter 2

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"Princess, are you sure that you wanted to meet His Majesty?" Her loyal lady in waiting named Regina Carston from the House of Carston said with a nervous tone. She was deeply worried for Her Highness, in fear, that Princess Lucresia will be a victim of Emperor Ruveliss' anger even though the princess and the emperor were siblings.

Princess Lucresia sighed, "He has no other family to rely on except me. I know that he was irate nonstop because of the pressure in the palace but don't forget he's just a human. Lady Regina." She said in a serious tone but Lady Regina was just concern to the princess. Ever since the death of Queen Aristia, she had no mood on her daily routine in the palace such as archery and socializing with her few friends in the inner circle. It's as if part of the princess' soul was missing ever since that gruesome day. Lady Regina's noble family was part of the Imperial faction and they are one of the nobles who are against to Queen Aristia's execution but they couldn't do it because majority of the nobles in that trial wanted the poor Queen's head. It was devastating that the queen was dead and they began to lost their trust to the emperor after that execution.

"I know that. Your Highness but what he did to Queen Aristia was too much. He should have listened to her side of the story before he executed her." The noble lady said in an upset look but the princess' gloved hand covered her mouth , "Be quiet. Too many ears around the palace you know that." She scolded her but not harshly. The princess was fully aware that there were too many moles from the opposition party was scattered around the palace.

Lady Regina's coal eyes blinked and realized something important, "Your Highness, there is something I needed to tell you." She said a low tone and drag the Castina Princess from an empty quarters. She scanned around the area of the hallway and immediately closed the door. Meanwhile, Lucresia was confused of her lady in waiting's behavior; "What do you want to talk about?" The princess sat on the furnishing chair eyeing at the nervous noble lady.

"There is something wrong in the palace. Your Highness, It's as if that everybody in the royal courts were not in the Imperial Family's side." She said in a nervous tone causing Lucresia's skin crawled, "You mean, from lower servants to the members of the royal staffs. They are not loyal to the Imperial Family?" She bewildered. She knows Lady Regina's personality, she will never lied to her for she was the one who saved the noble lady's reputation years ago.

"Yes, that's why, you don't trust anybody. Your Highness. Ever since the death of Queen Aristia, the Imperial faction lost their trust to His Majesty and it is very alarming. The emperor was the most powerful being in the empire and losing the Imperial faction was even more dangerous.If he lost the party then..." but she was cut off by Princess Lucresia's words that filled with fear, "The opposition party will take advantage of his weakness or if ever Ruve had a child; they will use that child as the puppet ruler." She muttered with anger and fear. No, she can't let that happen.

The noble lady agreed but there is something that bothering her, "Your Highness, I heard that Duke De Rass was not in the council meetings for the past few months and Duke Verita as well. He is our Chancellor, How could they be so irresponsible for leaving the emperor."

Lucresia frowns and crossed her arms; "Those two Houses were close allies to the House of Monique so it's not surprising that they are not cooperative as of this moment." She gritted her teeth, this is all Ruve's fault. If he didn't execute Aristia, then, the Imperial faction is still getting stronger.

Lady Regina spoke amidst of silence, "What are we going to do now, Your Highness." She asked the Castina Empire's princess who was now in a deep thought; she needed more allies to protect the Imperial faction of her own. Her brother emperor was useless thanks to his unpredicable rage during the council meetings and in the throne hall to the point that the nobles and the royal knights were very afraid of him. Now, the people, the same people who supported the imperial family for generations are losing their trust to their 'ruler'.

Her pair of determined hazel eyes stared at the window, it was a sunny bright morning but she feels that it was just another dull day. As much as she didn't like her half-brother, she needed to save him from his miserable state even if her influence around the royal court was not much compare to him who was the emperor. She stood up and quickly get a quill and parchment as she sat on the desk, scribbling something.

After that, she folded neatly and put in a blue envelope with a royal insigna seal of the imperial family, "Summon the Royal Knight Eric at once. I have a task for him." She said in a serious tone.

As her lady in waiting left, she thought about a certain red headed knight with a spike hair, pale skin and pair of cerulean eyes wearing a goffy grin on his face. She smiled at the thought of her half-cousin; Lord Carsein De Rass- the young genius knight of the century according to some nobles who praised him.

"I hope that you can help me, Carsein." She muttered quietly as she gaze at the birds outside.

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