Chapter 35

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The wedding banquet was livelier that she had expected. The Imperial Hall was filled with many visitors and diplomats from different nations including her mother's homeland. Her pair of hazel eyes stared at the Athenian Crown Prince who was mingling with Emperor Ruveliss as the stoic Emperor seems disinterested on listening to Prince Noa and poor Jieun beside Ruveliss was just quietly eating her meal on the table without anyone she could talk to but as the bride of this night, she can't leave her seat next to her groom who was holding her hand the entire time.

"My dear, is something bothering you?" His affectionate tone was startling the princess and soon to be the Duchess of the Verita Household but why would she was surprise by this, it's perfectly normal for Allendis to be so affectionate towards her because she's his wife now. The azure haired princess averted her gaze from her new husband, "It's nothing. I was just worried about Her Majesty. She looks like she wanted someone to talk to. Will you permit me to give my greetings to Her Majesty?" Lucresia pleaded to the groom. Then, Allendis glanced at the group of elder nobles from the Aristocrat Faction from another table and he sighed, "You can go, my wife but you must return to my side at once if you're done mingling with the Empress." He smiled at her and she was puzzled of his sudden kindness towards her.

She stood up and slightly lifted her heavy wedding dress and she immediately approached Jieun who was extremely happy that Lucresia came to lift up her mood since Ruveliss' refused to talk to her for a bit in the entire banquet. The two young ladies were chatting for a bit and when both the Athenian Crown Prince and Emperor Ruveliss were recognized Lucresia's presence, it was the foreign Crown Prince then, approaches the bride much to the Emperor's annoyance and Allendis' jealousy.

"Congratulations, Your Highness. I'd just wished for your happiness and your success for your marriage with Duke Verita." Prince Noa congratulates his female cousin while he pecked his pale lips on her right knuckles. The Princess giggles, "Thank you, Your Highness. I wished that I wipould have just met the Empress Dowager and the current Empress before my wedding." She said in a sad tone that slightly tingles the Crown Prince's chest.

He smiled, "I'm sure my mother and our grandmother will always wished for your happiness, Princess Lucresia." The Crown Prince said warmly but they were interrupted when the Castina Emperor was rudely grabbed Lucresia's arm and both Jieun and Prince Noa were surprised at the Emperor's misconduct behavior during the wedding banquet and luckily, the guests didn't noticed at all.

Lucresia was shocked, "Your Majesty! I'm not done yet talking with the Crown Prince. What do you want from me?" She glared at him but she was flinched of that cold glare given to her by the Emperor and his cold expression was reminded her of a tyrant that it frightens the princess. "I need to be alone with you for a second before you finally leave the imperial palace after the banquet." He whispered to her left ear as he leaned his lips, the princess just agreed at her half-brother and Allendis was about to get his bride from the Emperor but he was blocked by Duke Jenna and his followers.

Meanwhile, Jieun was feeling uneasy towards Ruveliss' complicated behavior and his weird relationship with his own half-sister, Lucresia. Sometimes, during at night, he was muttering Tia's name and even Lucresia as well. "What is the meaning of that?" She was confused of this entire ordeal.


The Emperor and the new Duchess of the House of Verita were in the Emperor's main office and the princess was very nervous because the Emperor displayed his scary expression, the same scary expression when he executed her innocent best friend in public for false accusation.

"Your Majesty, the banquet has yet ended and we just left our station back there." She protested while clenching the hem of her wedding dress.

"So, what? I'm the Emperor. I can do whatever I want." He spat and he immediately sat to his chair and looked at the bride with a cold look, "Now, that you're now wed to Duke of Verita. You already know what this means do you, Lucresia?" His dark smirk annoys the princess as she folded her gloved arms, "Yes, Your Majesty. You finally get rid of me in the Imperial Court however, I'll frequently visited the Empress' condition since some rumors speculate that she might be with child. I would like to be there for her if you would allow me so." Lucresia requested but she cannot read the Emperor's body language well because he was too unpredictable.

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