Chapter 11

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                As she had expected, Jieun's work performance as the empress was a disaster. No wonder that the nobles were ridiculing her in the royal court behind the dark haired girl's back is because she's so stupid. These messy documents were a headache to the
princess' part. The first princess was sitting on the empress' office and she was gathered by her own royal staffs who seems very useless when it comes on dealing on this matters about the constitutional laws. These reports are making her brain exploded including the new revise laws created by the indolent modern girl.

"Why does Vita wanted to punished me like this." The first princess groaned to herself while holding the quill on her right hand to fixed the stupid empress' mistake and that girl had done her imperial job so terribly that the first princess just wish that Ruve will dethrone that dark haired girl this instant for her failure of her imperial duties because honestly, she was not suited enough to become the empress.

"Your Highness, do you want to take a break. You've been almost an hour reading all the empress' reports so seriously." one of the royal staffs said in a worried tone. She glared at them, "If you want me to rest then, helped me with the reports immediately so that we can end this." The princess said in an irritable tone.

Lady Regina however, was standing next to her irritable princess, it's obvious that the royal princess didn't like the idea of being bossed around by other people particularly the emperor, "You there! Why are you standing there and helped the others so that we can all go home early." she shouted in a bossy tone to the point that the royal staffs scrambled like ants as they feared the princess' wrath in fact, they are more afraid of the First Princess rather than that ignorant empress whom they ridiculed behind their back for being an idiot.

Lucresia smiled at the noble lady for being by her side, "Thank you, Lady Regina. These idiots won't do their job if there's no one to supervise them." she said in an irritating tone towards them.

"You're welcome, Princess. It is my pleasure to helped you in any way." she smiled at the young princess who was working hard for a undeserving empress. In fact, she didn't like the idea that her princess was treated like a replacement for Queen Aristia who was good at everything.

Because the first princess and Queen Aristia are different people. They are not alike.

The first princess' work performance were not as bad as the empress but not as perfect as Queen Aristia. She was able to fixed the empire's laws created by the idiotic empress by revising it so that it will be implemented immediately in order for Ruveliss not to pester her anymore.

Two months later, the rioters subsided because the reformation of the laws for common people were created by the first princess was established and the capital went back to normal to the point that the members of the royal courts congratulated the first princess for her success on revising the law to the point that the emperor, her brother, frequently visited her in the palace that shocks both Lucresia and Lady Regina. It's the first time that the emperor was visiting the royal sister who seems not thrilled on seeing her psychotic brother emperor.

She bowed before him, "Greetings! Great Sun of the Castina Empire! It's my pleasure to see your gracious presence in my palace, Your Majesty." Lucresia says with a forceful smile but deep inside, she scared that her brother emperor was here in her sanctuary. The emperor was standing there with his own personal knights and smirked at his trembling royal sister, "Don't be scared, Lucresia. I won't do anything rash just like the last time. I came here to personally thanked you for your effort on 'fixing' the empress' mistake for my sake." He says in an arrogant tone. The first princess frowns, "Of course, it's his sake but to those lower subjects as well because they're the one who affected the most." She thought but not trying to say it out loud in front of this person.

The first princess smiled, "It's nothing. I was just trying to help you, royal brother. Why don't I accompany you to the terrance, Your Majesty." She says in a gentle tone as both siblings walked side by side towards the destination. The princess glanced at the tall young emperor, "He seems kind of strange nowadays." She thought grimly but keeping it all to herself.

The two of them are alone and it's now the right time for Lucresia to confront him, "Your Majesty, I wanted to ask you something and I hoped that you are not going to get angry." She said in a serious tone and the handsome young emperor eyed at her strangely, "About Aristia, I know it's been almost a year since she died but I was wondering if..."she was hesitant to speak to him about what's on her mind, in fear he might hurt her, "If you are considering on celebrating her death anniversary and I know that you're getting upset about it but as her friend, I'm going to do this because she deserve to be respected despite of what others accusing her of." She finished and closed her eyes.

"Do it."

Her eyes went wide, "What?" Her hazel eyes noticed those melancholic reflection on the emperor's deep azure eyes as if he felt so sad when she mentions her deceased dear friend. Ruveliss stared at her with a sad expression, "I leave it in your care. After all, she was your precious friend." He muttered and walked away but his hand was caught by his half sister whose expressioned was filled with shock and pleasantly, "Ruveliss, don't tell me you still had feelings for her." She says in a low tone but the emperor didn't reply back. He was still in conflict, he misses her terribly, his first wife; Queen Aristia and he still felt so guilty on not saving her from the execution because of his conflicted feelings. He doesn't understand what he was doing to that poor woman who pleaded for her father to be spared but he subconsciously tricked her and was been hated by the deceased silver haired young woman.

As she gathered her confidence, she ran towards him and blocked his way, "It's been decided. We will celebrate her death anniversary together with Jieun in my palace. Don't worry, it'll be a private affair and just the three of us. What do you think?" She stared at her half-brother intently but he tilted his head, "I'm busy. Do it with the empress instead. I don't deserve to celebrate that person's death when I'm the one who killed her." He said in a bitter tone. He hated himself.

But the first princess shook her head, "No. You must attend this affair and what's done is done. We can't undo what just happened, Ruveliss." Her fists clenched, so he finally admitted that he killed her but why is it that he felt so remorse? "Did he just said before that he hated Aristia?" She thought in a confusing tone.

In the end, Ruveliss refused the first princess' offer and it dissapoints her, "I don't understand what he was thinking. Lady Regina." She said to the lady in waiting beside her as they watched the emperor was sitting in the gazebo while discussing something with one of the royal knights. "Your Highness, I already tell the chef and the palace staffs of the private gathering on Queen Aristia's death anniversary." She said to the first princess.

"Thank you, Lady Regina. You are really reliable. I guess, we should invite Sir Carsein and Sir Allendis on this affair." She said to her lady in waiting. Then, the emperor and the first princess discussed something about the political matters and Lucresia could only agree with him regarding of the State matters of the empire. She just wanted this to be over.

She stared at Ruveliss who seems very serious about his job as the emperor, she asked him earlier if he still has feelings for Aristia la Monique but he ignores her questioned and just move on. "He was trying to avoid the topic related to his deceased first wife." She thought with a disappointing look on her face. She just wanted to let out his true emotions, in fact, she wanted to see the pitiful emperor that he will begin to break his own will and he realized how sorry he was for mistreating the silver haired girl before she died.

That was her perfect revenge against him.

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