Chapter 29

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Warning: The following content has a distubing scene such as yaoi

"Good evening, Duke Verita and Duchess Verita." Princess Lucresia warmly greeted her in-laws in a formal way as she curtised in front of them in a respectful manner and the married couple warmly acknowledges their future daughter-in-law, "Your Highness, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your engagement with my youngest son, Allendis ." The older Duke of Verita greeted the current Emperor' half sister and the Duchess seems to be very happy to see her future daughter-in-law who was too beautiful for their selfish youngest son, "I hope that you would get along well with Allendis....he might be too handful for you, Your Highness." The Duchess said in a worried tone as she was fearing for the Princess' domestic life with their unpredictable youngest son who is now currently having a casual conversation with prominent noblemen.

Her youngest son who stole his own father's nobility title for himself and that was the most despicable thing he had done to his own parents who raised him in comfort and luxurious life and luckily, the current Emperor still has a little respect on her husband as the former Duke of Verita still kept his noble title even though, his own youngest son succeeded him.

Her serious hazel eyes glances at her new fiancé, "Mother, thank you for worrying about me but I'll be alright with your youngest son. I can assure you that." She said in a gentle tone that touches the older woman's heart that the Princess was calling her, 'Mother'. She had yearned for a daughter like the Princess and after she learned that her youngest son is going to be marry Princess Lucresia, the Duchess of Verita was overjoyed and very worried over the Princess because the older woman knows what kind of man her youngest son is.

It's a pity that she and her husband are now living in an old ancestral mansion in the countryside as she wanted to advice the young woman on dealing Allendis' bad temperament but judging on the azure haired girl's brave expression, it seems the Duchess will not to be worried about it anymore as it seems that the Princess can handle her selfish and arrogant youngest son in her own way.

"That's...very assuring, Your Highness." A leak of tear from her eyes fell as her husband, the former Duke wipe his doted wife's tears and the bespectacled Duke, "Although it might be too early, Your Highness, but we already accepted you as part of the Verita Family. I just hope that you and Allendis will get along well as married couple." He advised like a normal father-in-law and Lucresia felt so light and warm on her chest that Allendis' parents were so good to her and she smiled at them warmly in return, "Thank you, Father-in-law." She thanked the former Duke and suddenly, she noticed a pair of gloved hands on both of her shoulders and she was stunned to see her fiancé, the current Duke of the House of Verita was behind her.

He grinned at her, "You've been with my parents for too long...Come, the other guests wants to congratulate you, my dearest fiancee." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders possesively while glaring at his frowning parents; the Princess' attention was only his and even his own parents aren't allowed to get close to her; he would allow this once but after their wedding, he will make sure that his parents won't ever see his future wife ever again.

Meanwhile, the Princess were surrounded by enthusiastic nobles who are warmly congratulated her even Allendis' relatives from both paternal and maternal side were present as well and Lucresia tried her best to not show any tiredness and fatigue because these people hovered around her where genuinely congratulated her from the bottom of their hearts as she sensed it.

Then, the newly engaged couple were sat next to each other in a center table that filled with delicious cuisine and drinks. Lucresia tried to distract her uncomfortable situation as she was amusingly watches the musicians' performance on the center in which Allendis had noticed for a while, "You seem to like music, Your Highness. That's the first thing that I have learned about you since the last time that I was your tutor awhile, and I didn't make an effort on getting to know you back then." He smirked while sipping the red wine on his mouth and Lucresia scoffs, "That's because your brain always filled with calculative plans on trying to frame me for treason by backstabbing me last year. I still cannot forgive you until now, Your Grace." She glared at him as she didn't even dare to touch her plate filled with delicious food.

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