Chapter 9

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"What are these things piled on my quarters?" The first princess was shocked to see numerous boxes of gifts, flowers and chocolates before her. It's another day with the princess after the exhausting banquet last night to the point that she quickly left the banquet to rest and then today...was a disaster.

Her lady in waiting smiled awkwardly, "Well, Your Highness, ever since the banquet last night. Many of your old suitors came to give you a present. Probably, they were mesmerized by your beauty last night at the banquet." She giggles at the first princess' surprise look. Lurcresia sighed in defeat and grabbed one of the gifts; she peak the greeting card and she paled, "This belongs to..." she again, checked every namecard of each flowers and chocolates and she stared at the servants, "All of you! Get rid all of these pile of trash immediately!" She said angrily that surprises her lady in waiting.

"Y-Your Highness, Is something the matter?" Lady Regina asked with a shock look on her face when the cold hearted princess orders the royal servants to throw away all these wonderful gifts. The first princess was massaging her temples, "These gifts...I should have known that idiotic fool is trying to mess with me. Does he think that I am easy to catch?" She muttered with an annoying look. She glanced at her worried lady -in-waiting, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you sooner, those gifts given to me today were not from my old suitors. These are just random gifts coming from Prince Noa." She revealed.

Lady Regina was alarmed, "Your Highness! How can you be so rude to that foreign prince! He just shows his admiration for you!" She scolded the apathetic princess who didn't give a damned what her lady-in-waiting says. It's not like she hates the foreign prince but because she was annoyed that everyone else were pressuring her to marry. She will be turned 17 next spring and it is befitting that she will be wed soon. But what about her dreams? Could she throw it away just like that for the sake of the future of the empire?

"Because Prince Noa is my first cousin from my mother's family. That is why, I have to turned down his advances." She said to her lady-in-waiting who was stunned when she heard from the princess' mouth that she was related to the Athenia Empire's second prince and the heir to the throne. No one knows outside the Imperial Family that the imperial princess is a descendant of another imperial family outisde the Castina Empire. Judging from the intense gazed towards her by the princess, it seems she was testing her if she can accept such princess who is a child of a royal foreigner.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I didn't know." She bowed in apology in scolding the first princess earlier but the princess smiled at her, "You don't have to apologize. It's your right that you will voice out your opinion if I done something wrong, Lady Regina. You are after all, my eyes and ears." She smiled at the noble lady who smiled back at the kind princess.

Just then, the royal butler of the princess' palace entered the living quarters and bowed before Princess Lucresia, "Your Highness, Prince Noa Ivan Athenia; the Prince of Northern Athenia Empire is currently inside the grand hall as we speak." He told the startled princess in a formal tone. Her hazel eyes widen, "Of all the time he visited, why does it have to be the hour when I'm going to meet the Emperor." She sighed, she needed this formal chat with the 2nd prince to be quick as possible.

"Alright. Tell him to wait for me downstairs." She ordered and tried to fixed her appearance as possible. She frowns, she will be scolding him today after all those 'presents' he sent to her today. She and Lady Regina saw the second prince standing in the grand hall of the palace for a few minutes and his bored face brightens when he noticed upstairs that Princess Lucresia is welcoming him personally. His personal knight noticed the second prince's exciting face when the young man's attention drifted to the infamous First Princess of the mighty Castina Empire. As he take a good look of her, she was indeed a spitting image of the late princess who was the current empress' younger sister.

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